HTC Honors Mother Pruitte on First Lady Day!

Service theme rings true: Chosen – An Elect Women of God

Closed door meetings planned months in advance. Invitations sent to extended family and far away friends. Even a long distanced phone call to the west coast were all part of the undertaking to surprise and celebrate Mother Vivian Pruitte on First Lady Day, Sunday, June 13 – a first at Holiness Tabernacle!

You’ve been faithful, you’ve been true. And you’ve done all that you can do. Don’t the lyrics to that song describe our First Lady?” Mother Benjamin asked the congregation, already nodding their head in agreement. “We may be 11 years behind,” she continued turning to Mother Pruitte, “but for your faithfulness, it is your time!”

Surprises were the order of the day and the first came with the entrance of Pastor Frank Smith and the entire New Hope Church Of God In Christ church.

“It’s nice to see you Elder Smith!” exclaimed Pastor Pruitte as the congregation came through the door and Mother Pruitte looked on in awe. Unbeknownst to her, Mother Thelma Gatlin, member of New Hope and Dean of Workshops for the First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia, was the invited guest speaker.

While the Sunday morning service may have been to show love to First Lady Pruitte, all glory and praise for the day belonged to God! Aspiring Missionary Howard invoked the presence of the Lord through prayer and the Praise Team led the church in collective worship and adoration of our King.

Next on the program came an opportunity for saints and friends to share recollections on experiences shared with the First Lady. Representatives from several church departments, as well as family and former students, offered words of expression and love.

“She has a lot to do with my growth in the church,” began Brother Rowe on behalf of the Men’s Department. He went on to say that her influence in his life helped to draw him closer to his own pastor.

Mother Cassidy, head of the Mother’s Department, spoke next on behalf of the Women’s Department.

“Our First Lady is a virtuous woman!” she exclaimed. “She forgets about herself and tends to the needs of HTC. She is a blessed woman of God… I needed to be here today to [support] my first lady!” Indeed, both Mother Cassidy and Mother Brown changed personal travel arrangements just so that they could participate in the festivities.

Sharing words on behalf of the youth and several of the young women, Sister Danielle Benjamin spoke about how they appreciated her wisdom and spiritual guidance. Next Sister Delia Pruitte, the second eldest Pruitte daughter, offered her appreciation through prose.

“To my mother, the one who beautifies our house,” she began, “…the one who, like an octopus, can be in eight places at once!” With her familiar touch of humor, Delia shared why her mother meant so much to her and the immediate family.

Though her extended family wasn’t able to attend, her older brother, Michael “Gus” Valdez, wrote a letter to Mother Pruitte on behalf of their family.

“My sister is the epitome of motherhood,” the letter began. Bro. Valdez went on to tell of his appreciation of his childhood playmate, noting that he was glad that she, “made good choices in life.” With the knowing sensitivity that only a sibling could give, he ended his letter by sharing how much he loved her.

If you know First Lady Pruitte, you know that she loves the Old Testament scriptures and teaches a class as part of the C.H. Mason Bible College. In an open letter Mother Ruby Carter, a former student, called First Lady her, “mentor, scholar and a great woman of the Lord. I asked God for a teacher of His Word,” the letter continued, “and He sent me your way.”

Just when it seemed all words of appreciation had come to an end, it was a special call made from the sunny coasts of California that really took First Lady’s breath away.

“I want to extend commendations to Pastor and Holiness Tabernacle for honoring their First Lady,” said Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis, Jurisdictional Supervisor for the First Jurisdiction of Southern California, over the speaker phone.

With a shaking hand gripping the receiver, it was apparent that Mother Pruitte was shocked and excited beyond words. For the next few minutes, the entire congregation listened in on a conversation between the two women – the elder asking about the daughters, offering heartfelt congratulations and dispensing godly counsel to the younger.

“My word for you is to stay in that secret place,” Mother Lewis encouraged before she said goodbye. “May God bless you richly!”

With ease, the order of the service continued with a nod toward First Lady’s appreciation of various cultural expressions. Bringing a unique experience to the service, Sister Dei Nikoi brought the role of the Queen of the Night to life through an operatic performance of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute.”

Known throughout the Jurisdiction and beyond for the awesome way they minister through song, the New Hope Choir prepared hearts with “He Touched Me.” Indeed, the saints were more than ready by the time Dean Gatlin stepped to the pulpit with a prayer that she would hide behind the cross and allow God to simply use her as the vessel to speak to His people.

“My thought for today is ‘The Last of the Giants: The Lord Said Fear Him Not,’” began Dean Gatlin. “Giants may be in our home, on our job, in our church or on the street, but regardless of where we encounter them, we shouldn’t be afraid of them.”

Dean Gatlin went on to say that when saints are easily discouraged by the cares of this world, there is something lacking on their part. “We need to stop pretending.” she said. “Stop putting on a show and be a saint!”

It was truly a day of rejoicing as the people of God came together to honor the lady of the house and at the conclusion of the service, Mother Pruitte offered her heartfelt thanks. “Everything that went on today was such a surprise!” she exclaimed. “You went over and beyond anything I was expecting.”

First Lady’s Day at Holiness Tabernacle was a great success! As the Lord continues to use Mother Vivian Pruitte as His chosen and elect woman of God, her church family will continue to show their love and support at every opportunity in the years to come.