1st Lady’s Blog – Church Decorum Series: Be Observant

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Church Decorum Series: Because You Won’t Know, Unless You’re Taught

Lesson One: Be Observant

Let’s say you visit a church, find that you really like it, and are extended the right hand of fellowship. You meet with the Pastor and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the church. But then you start asking yourself, “What rules am I supposed to keep?”

Have you ever found yourself in this predicament?

When I went to the first Church Of God In Christ International Holy Convocation held in St. Louis, I was impressed, but a little disheartened, by a book that our Presiding Bishop and Mother Blake wrote about how the saints should deport themselves. While the information was very useful, I was surprised that we needed to be told some very basic things.

Then I remembered when I first came to the holiness church. Can you believe I did not even own a dress! I did not know what to say or what to do. I felt so inadequate those first few times I visited.

For those of us who have been in the church for a long time, we tend to assume that everyone knows the basics of church decorum. But over time, I’ve come to realize that there are just some things we won’t know – unless we are taught.

Well have no fear, this year I am here to help! It’s 2013, a brand new year, and I will be focusing on church decorum – those things we wished someone told us so we wouldn’t have felt out in left field while everyone else was in right. I’ll be covering lots of topics, including presiding, speaking and teaching; praying for different occasions; dressing modestly; altar work and laying on of hands and more. I’ll also be taking topics from you! Simply email your suggestion to Blog@holinesstabernaclecogic.org and you just may find your idea as the focus of one of my monthly blog posts.



Now on to our first lesson: Be Observant. I cannot emphasis this enough. Being observant will help keep us from some embarrassing moments.

Say for example, you notice that at your church everyone wears dark blue on first Sunday’s. Well then, stop coming to church on first Sunday’s wearing red! (smile). They probably won’t say anything to you because you are new and the members want you to feel welcome, but make a mental note to purchase a blue suit and have it clean and ready to wear the next first Sunday. My guess is you’ll probably hear a lot of, “Wow that’s a great blue suit!” or “you wearin’ that blue suit all right!” Translation: Thank you Jesus, you finally got with the program.

When you join a church, strive to have a relationship with your pastor. Get to know how he likes things done. This also comes through observation. If you pay close attention, you’ll learn him very quickly.

And don’t forget, you are in a new church and things are done differently from church to church. No matter how well-intentioned you may be, don’t try to change everything overnight. Saying things like, “In my old church we used to do it this way,” can really rub people the wrong way. You may have some great ideas, but you need to spend time observing first and then suggesting a way to improve a church task. And before you can do this, you need to gain the trust of the leader – which is done through faithful and dependable service. If you are a faithful member, the leader will love to hear your ideas.

I hope you enjoyed this first lesson! Join me this year as together we learn how, “…thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God…” (I Timothy 3:15 KJV).

God bless!

First Lady Vivian Pruitte


  1. Ryan

    I definitely enjoyed this! Wonderful job First Lady Pruitte

  2. Willye Daniels

    I love this lesson. We need more like this, it is a role model for others. Thank you First Lady Pruittle!

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