1st Lady’s Blog: Jochabed – A Great Investment


Women In The Bible Series: Jochabed – A Great Investment

Lesson Eleven: Jochabed – A Great Investment
Lesson Ten: Jezebel – Call me RuthlessLesson Nine: Huldah – Unveiling the FutureLesson Eight: Ezekiel's Wife – He's Gone NutsLesson Seven: Ruth: In A Strange LandLesson Six: Hagar: A Woman ScornedLesson Five: A Shulamite: The BelovedLesson Four: Wisdom: A Woman Called By This NameLesson Three: Zipporah: Married to the MinistryLesson Two: Tamar: Overcoming Your Past | Lesson One: Leah: The Unloved

Hello ladies, and welcome to my blog! This year I am going to write a series called Women of the Bible, where I will explore the lives of some of the Bible’s most notable female characters. I believe every woman’s story can be found in God’s Word – and those stories can bring hope and encouragement. I will touch on some serious topics such as rape, suicide and jealousy, along with some lighter ones such as love, righteousness and more. Together, we can discover what the Lord is speaking to His beautiful bride.

Before we begin, I also want to thank you for joining me throughout last year’s series on Church Decorum. If you like what you read, send me comments and let me know – it encourages me to keep writing!

Taking this journey together,

First Lady Vivian Pruitte



Exodus 2

"Mom what are you doing?" cries Miriam.

"Shsh, come help me," Jochebed whispers to her daughter.

"My dear son, my heart is breaking as I do this," she thinks to herself. "I need you to follow me to the river Miriam," she continues in a hushed tone.

"But, mom…” Miriam protests.

“It has been so difficult keeping him hidden these three months,” Jochebed thinks to herself, conflicted on what she knows she must do. “I can no longer keep him quiet. I have to take a chance… perhaps YHWH would allow him to live.”

Tears cascade down her face as she places the basket in the Nile River. "Miriam I need you to follow the basket and see where it lands," Jochebed says resolutely. She walks away, hunched, as if carrying the weight of the world upon her shoulders.


"Mom, mom!" Miriam’s excited shrill bursts through the door before she even crosses the threshold.

"What is it Miriam?" Jochebed asks hurriedly.

"Come with me quickly,” says Miriam, pulling her mother by the arm. “I’ll explain on the way.”

My dear son I never thought I would ever set my eyes upon you again let alone hold you in my arms. These few years the Lord has granted me to be with you will give me the opportunity to teach you about our nation and our God. Who knows, it may be that YHWH will use you to help deliver us one day.


What an emotional roller coaster Jochebed must have found herself in. She has a child, then loses the child; she is reunited with him… only to lose him again! Jochebed was able to have Moses with her during his formative years, before he was weaned. I can imagine her taking the time to instill in Him a love for God. She must have planted in him the seeds of hope for their nation –that one day, they would be liberated from the oppression of bondage.

Those few years Jochebed had with her son were an opportunity for her to bond with him. They also provided opportunity for her to teach him the ways of their people. This is something he would always have with him. Think of some things you were taught as a young child that you still remember today. They could be songs you never forgot the lyrics to or stories you hold dear. These are some of the ways Jochebed may have instilled her values and morals into Moses.

Eventually, Jochebed would have to send her son off to pharaoh’s palace to receive the things she could never provide him. This would be the God’s appointed sanctuary to shelter him from the sting of the whip – a whip that fortunately, Jochebed would never have to see come across his shoulders. She could not protect her other children, but this son would be shielded from that misery. 

What a great opportunity afforded to Jochebed's child! Although she may not have witnessed the great miracle of Moses leading his people out of bondage, she had those few years to spend some precious time with him. That teaching did not depart from him. It is what likely compelled him to not only seek out his people when he became a man, but be appalled with the injustices inflicted upon them.

Time is very short and very precious. We must value it. We must use it wisely and invest in our relationships. Jochebed had very little time with her son, but look at the great results that came from it. An entire nation was saved through her child. We need to invest time into our relationships. We could be nurturing the very person that will bring about a great change one day.  

One Comment

  1. Naola

    Beautiful word! Needed it!

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