Jesus. . .the Main Ingredient – May 09 WOTM

Jesus the Main Ingredient

Luke 2:42 – 52

I do not claim to be a master chef or a man that has mastered the art of cooking, but I do know there are certain ingredients you cannot do without when it comes to certain dishes. For example, can you really bake bread without yeast? Can you honestly tell me you can bake a homemade pie with rolling dough? Every one who has fried chicken without flour, stop right now and repent!! Comedy aside, we understand there are certain things that can be categorized as complimentary, but others are essential.

The text today begins with Mary, Joseph and a twelve year old Jesus traveling to Jerusalem to observe the Passover. After completing their religious duties, the mother and father begin their journey back home. They traveled an entire day before they realized their oldest son was not with them. At first glance, one may think what kind of parents were they to go off and leave their son (who just happened to be the Messiah). Upon closer review we understand in that day and time because of the danger of thieves who ambushed travelers (see Luke 10:30-34), people traveled in large groups for protection. Notice the Scriptures say “…supposing him to have been in the company, went a day’s journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.” Mary and Joseph assumed Jesus was with them – what a message. Consider this:


  1. They assumed Jesus would follow them wherever they went. We must understand we are to follow Him (“. . .In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths” Proverbs 3:6).
  2. They looked among their kinsfolk and acquaintances. Do not look for the Lord among your family and friends. How many messages and examples do we need to understand that the Lord calls us away from anything or anyone who has influence over us? He wants us to seek Him and be dependent on Him and Him alone.
  3. When they could not find Him amongst their stuff, they returned to Jerusalem and found Him in the temple. What a surprise, they found Jesus in the Church.


My dear friends, we must be careful as we minister and serve in the church. We can become so involved with projects, deadlines, programs, rallies, ministries, and anything else that falls under the banner of “church work” We must never loose focus on the fact that Jesus is the reason why we do what we do! If He is not in the middle of whatever we’re involved in we are wasting our time.

Remember the old hymn, “Only What You Do for Christ Will Last”? You may build great cathedrals large or small, you can build skyscrapers grand and tall, you may conquer all the failures of the past, but only what you do for Christ will last.

It is good to know Mary and Joseph didn’t go too long without recognizing Jesus was absent. I want to encourage you today, stop right now and take a look at what you’re doing. No matter what your assignment is in the Kingdom. If you are an usher, make sure Jesus is in your ushering; if you are a Sunday School teacher, make sure Jesus is in your teaching; if you are singing in the choir, make sure Jesus is in your singing; if you are a preacher, make sure Jesus is in your preaching. I even go to this extreme, if you are a parent, make sure Jesus is in your parenting; if you are married, make sure Jesus is in your marriage; if you are a bus driver, make sure Jesus is in your driving.

If you want guaranteed success, do not leave out the main ingredient, JESUS! He is not in your family; He is not in your friends. He is not among your stuff. You’ll find Him in the Church. Jesus, the Main Ingredient!!

Be Blessed in the Lord

Pastor E. B. Pruitte, Jr.