Lest You Be Deceived – February 09 WOTM

Lest You Be Deceived

Deuteronomy 11:16

Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;

I was reading a story in the paper the other day, and came across a story that took place in Iraq, in which an Iraqi soldier killed two American soldiers. The reason this story caught my eye is because these soldiers had worked together for quite sometime. The story also took my mind back to when Europeans went to Africa to capture slaves. The Europeans did not do the capturing themselves because they knew if the Africans saw them, they would run away. The Europeans started using other Africans to capture the would-be slaves. Therefore, before the would-be slaves noticed what was happening, it was too late. Satan attacks us the same way, he will use something or someone that we like or trust. This was the case with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan did not come directly to Adam, because Satan knew Adam would chase him away, therefore he came to Eve. And since Adam loved and trusted Eve, she was able to convince him to disobey God. This is still true with Saints today. Tuesday and Friday are our fast days. And if you are like me, those are the days when there is an office party, or an old SAVED friend or family member that I haven’t seen in years, calls and invites me to lunch. When this happens, sometimes we tell ourselves that it is only one day. I tell you Saints, now is not the time to take a break from being obedient to the will of God. Remember, Satan is not going to come at us with horns on his head and carrying a pitchfork; he will attempt to deceive us with who and what we already know. Therefore, Saints stay in the Word, continue your walk with God, and do not be deceived. God Bless You.

Brother Hayes