Let It Go – May 2009 WTLB

Let It Go

Many times in life we want to hang onto things. We know that the Bible tells us to cast all our cares upon him; for he careth for us, 1 Peter 5:6-8. When faced with life situations you can begin to rationalize in your mind how to resolve them. God has to remind us while we are trying to resolve these situations to “let it go“. In the flesh we cannot resolve life’s problems. We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us, according to Philippians 4:13. We must get into the habit of always having a spirit of prayer in every situation, because if not we will hinder the praise we owe God. We need freedom from what’s going on in our lives to praise and worship God.

We do God and others a disservice when we are bound and not free to praise Him. Did you know that we affect the world around us? We don’t want to say to God, “I’m holding onto a situation because I believe that you can’t handle it.” Let’s not limit God with our own expectations. As humans we are limited by what we can or cannot do, but God is not flesh He has no limitations and can perform the impossible. He will answer our prayer. The results will be God’s results not man’s results. My prayer is that you are encouraged today to just “Let it go“.

God Bless You,
Missionary LaSandra Miller