Investments – June 09 WTLB


If I were a betting woman, I’d wager that you could turn to any given news channel, or pick up any newspaper and see splashed across the headlines more depressing news about the state of the U.S. economy. “60k homes lost”, or “Unemployment at its lowest in 79 years!” . . .or something along those lines. After a while, one starts to wonder if there’s anything we can do to improve the situation, or should we sit and wait for things to fix themselves?

I wouldn’t suggest that, saints. God gave us all the tools we need to succeed in the time of feast, as well as famine. It is our job to tap into those resources and invest. Invest what, you ask? And why would we invest at a time like this?

I think of it this way: NO INVESTMENT+ NO RISK=NO RETURN. I’m no mathematician, but this equation seems pretty simple. Every investment involves risk. If you are unwilling to risk losing something, you will never be able to gain anything. And as people of God, we are constantly required to take risks for Christ’s sake. In Matthew 6:25-34, Christ reminds us that we’re not to focus our attention on the things of this world, not even our daily physical needs. If God takes care of the animals, the birds, and the trees everyday, what makes us think that we as His children will not be provided for? Verse 33 reminds us where our focus is supposed to be. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you”. It sounds simple, because it is simple. We’ve got to be willing to take the risk during these times and invest ALL we can in God. When we do this, God is sure to keep His word and supply every single one of our needs.

So don’t cringe when you walk into the grocery store and see that milk has risen to $5 a gallon, or when you pull up to the gas station and the price of gas has skyrocketed (again). Don’t panic when you look at your 401k. “Seek ye first”, remember? God already has that taken care of.

God Bless You,
Delia Pruitte