Another Conversion – From the Pastor’s Desk

Another Conversion

Luke 22:31-34
Mark 1:8
Acts 19:1-7

For the last several weeks the Lord has really impressed upon me to preach and emphasize the importance of the Believer seeking to be filled with the Holy Ghost.  This has long been a passion of mine, but lately I can’t seem to escape this theme.  Being filled with the Spirit was the first / last instruction Christ gave the disciples as He ascended (see Acts 1:8).  Before they did anything regarding the ministry, they were told to return to Jerusalem and tarry (wait) for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Unfortunately, too many of our Christian leaders do not stress the importance of this act of grace.

In the lesson text Jesus is speaking with Peter in the Upper Room; it is probably Thursday evening during the institution of Holy Communion.  Jesus tells Peter the devil desired to sift him as wheat, but when he is converted, strengthen the brethren.  Consider this – Peter was already saved.

This is the same Peter who had been given power to cast out devils and heal sick (see Luke 9:1); the same Peter who had walked on the water; the same Peter who declared Jesus was the son of the true and living God; the same Peter who had been made a fisher of men; the same Peter who would accompany Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane and cut off Malchus’ ear.  Surely we can infer that Peter was already “saved” or converted from sin.  However, the Lord instructs him that there was another conversion he needed to be prevented from being sifted as wheat.

In the book of Acts chapter 19, Paul encounters 12 men who were disciples – Christians.  Paul asked them had they received the Holy Ghost since they believed.  They replied they had not even heard of the Holy Ghost.  Upon further questioning Paul learned they had been converted unto John’s baptism (see Mark 1:8).  Paul laid hands on them and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and spake in tongues.

As we revisit Peter, after his Pentecostal experience, he emerges as the leader of the Early Church.  He spoke on that Pentecost Sunday and 3,000 were saved.  Later the Holy Scriptures record people were healed by his shadows.  However, this supernatural power / ability to strengthen other people did not come until after he had received another conversion.

My dear friends let me encourage you today, seek the Lord for another conversion!  Remember, there is one initial baptism but many fillings!!  Ask God today to grant you another conversion!!

I bless you in the name of the Lord.