Choose Your Weapons – From the Pastor’s Desk

Choose Your Weapons

II Corinthians 10:3-4
I Samuel 17:38 – 40
II Chronicles 20

The true saints of God are consistently being attacked and according to the Scriptures we are assured victory.  However there is a prerequisite – we must use the right weapons.

I shared with the saints the enemy does not fight fair.  He will use several tools (aka viles / methods).  To name a few, lies, gossip, deceit, envy, discouragement, etc.  However the Lord revealed to me why he (the enemy) uses these tools – he knows a true child of God will not.  Think about it, if you have really been reborn unto Christ, if you are lied on you do not retaliate.  The enemy counts on that.  Real saints don’t get on the telephone and spread rumors so when it happens to a Child of God it hurts, but we don’t fight back in the same manner.

I would go so far as to say if you do retaliate in the same manner you are sure to loose because (1) you are not familiar with those tools and (2) its not God’s way so He won’t allow you to win.  The saints overcome by using godly weapons!!

Paul informs us that although we live in the world we do not fight as the world does, neither do we use the same tactics as the world.  We do not use physical weapons but we fight with and through the divine power of God (II Corinthians 10:3-4).

Remember David (before he was made king) and his battle with Goliath?  After convincing King Saul he was capable of fighting the giant because of his victories over the bear and lion, the king put several layers of armor on him.  David, after taking a step tells Saul he couldn’t use those weapons because they hadn’t been proven.  Or in other words he had no experience in using them.  He chose however to use the weapons he knew worked – his sling shot.

Finally note King Jehoshaphat and his battle with Moab and the Ammonites.  Judah was tremendously outnumbered and their defeat seemed inevitable.  God sends a message to encourage the king that the battle was not his but the Lord’s.  God’s directions would seem strange to most, but not to the saints.  God informs Jehoshaphat to send the praise team in front of the warriors.  This strategy resulted in the God sending an ambush against Judah’s enemies.  The opposing army turned on one another and they were annihilated.  Not only did Judah win, it took them 3 days to gather the spoil.

My dear friends:  the next time you are under attack be encouraged and use the tools God has given us.  I suggested the five stones David gathered were:  (1) Praise; (2) Prayer; (3) Fasting; (4) the Word; and (5) Worship.  It might seem strange to the world, but we don’t employ their methods.  What God gave us to use is tried and proven.  Choose your weapons and let’s declare war on the devil and his plans.  Greater is He that is within us than he that is in the world; we’re more than conquerors, etc.  Need I say more?  Our victory is guaranteed because the battle is not ours but the Lord’s.

I bless you in the name of the Lord.