The Silver Celebration Gala of Bishop Ted Thomas

Written by
Sis. Nicole Albert Jones

Holiness Tabernacle Church of God in Christ (HTC) played intricate roles in the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Bishop Ted Thomas, Prelate of Virginia First Historic Jurisdiction, which convened on September 25, 2009, in Chesapeake Virginia. HTC’s own Pastor Eddie B. Pruitte and Minister Eugene McCown participated on the planning committee of the well attended event, while Min. McCown designed and printed tickets and created the website. With dozens of tables filled to capacity, Bishop Charles E. Blake, presiding Bishop of Church of God in Christ Inc., entered the elegant Chesapeake Conference Center, Greenbrier Room, escorted by Min. Eugene McCown.  Purchased in the amount of $1,000 per table, members of HTC filled two tables of the event, and a check in the amount of $500.00 from the mission’s department totaled HTC’s financial support to $2500.00. Upon the entrance of the honoree, Bishop Ted Thomas, and other Official supporters, the opening invocation was led by Pastor Eddie B. Pruitte. The spirit of God was made evident through beautiful words of encouragement, evident admiration of Bishop Thomas and songs of reflection.

Concerning the honoree, Bishop Ted Thomas was born in Raeford, North Carolina on October 19, 1935. He is the husband of Charletta Clifton Thomas and the father of six sons Ted Jr. Chris, Marc, Charles, Jonathan and Reuben. His educational accomplishments include, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics, from Norfolk State University, a Master’s of Science Degree in Mathematics, from Hampton Institute, currently known as Hampton University and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from Trinity Hall College. In 1984, Bishop Thomas was appointed Bishop of the First Historic Jurisdiction, after the death of the proceeding Bishop David C. Love. Under his leadership, he has ordained pastors, increased the number of jurisdictional churches from 18 to over 55, made expansions to the initial jurisdiction headquarters facility and eventually built a new jurisdictional headquarters and Christian Center, in 2002.

Both the purpose of the night and the vision of the night were vividly demonstrated in the hearts of the attendees.

“Son, I’m hungry and you’re not feeding me,” were the words God spoke to Bishop Thomas, in March 2009 that initiated the vision of the night, that as a jurisdiction, we would extend our hand to feed the poor and prompted the pledge that all proceeds, after expenses, would go to Save Africa’s Children. Save Africa’s Children is a non-profit organization founded by Bishop Charles E. Blake that provides food, water, shelter, education and healthcare such as medicine and clinics, for those families who are struggling in Africa. By supporting Save Africa’s Children, Bishop Thomas provided support to his leader, Bishop Blake, while providing financial support to a credible organization. Through Bishop Thomas’ desire others in the jurisdiction were motivated to give according to how God had prospered each to give. Bishop Thomas mentioned that he does not want to be known for just expanding the jurisdiction and establishing churches but also known as a jurisdictional leader who financially supports foreign missions. Bishop Thomas was not only congratulated for his leadership and accomplishments as bishop but also celebrated for his nobility and generosity.

The guest speaker for the evening was Bishop Charles E. Blake, Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ Inc. worldwide and founder of “Save Africa’s Children.” Prior to delivering his message, Bishop Blake made recognition and notable accolades of the successful work of Bishop Thomas in Virginia. Bishop Blake presented Bishop Thomas a matted and framed photo of an African mother and her child, which represents the families of the people he supports by donating his proceeds to Save Africa’s Children. He also presented a Resolution of Recognition of 25 years of leadership as Bishop, on behalf of the Church of God in Christ worldwide.  Bishop Blake then proceeded with his message derived from Genesis 45:17-20, discussing the story of Joseph. He mentioned that through betrayal, slavery, lies and imprisonment God brought Joseph from the bondage and elevated him to a position of second in command in Egypt, to be later placed in a situation to feed his brothers and to prevent them from dying due to the dryness of their land. Bishop Blake compared the story of Joseph to the story of the African American people in the United States of America. He mentioned that the ancestors of African Americans have suffered betrayal, slavery, lies and imprisonment and God in turn blessed the race in abundance. He provided less than pleasant statistics concerning the poverty, education, success conditions and the overall lack of the current African American population and made a clear relationship but no fair comparison to the sisters and brothers in Africa and their deprivation. As difficult as the struggles of African Americans appears when compared with the families, in Africa who live without electricity, without food, without water and without healthcare, African Americans are “blessed in abundance.” The plenteousness of African Americans, was given by God, to give back to the sisters and brothers in Africa. Bishop Blake delivered his message with much spirit and passion and indeed the hearts of the people were touched.

At the conclusion of the evening, as promised all proceeds, after expenses, were donated to support Save Africa’s Children and Bishop Thomas presented Bishop Blake two checks totaling $40,250. In the end, Bishop Thomas spoke blessings of abundance in the lives of all those who supported the effort.

The people of the Virginia First Historic Jurisdiction, congratulates Bishop Ted Thomas for 25 years of leading a jurisdiction of people to Christ. May God continue to grant him the wisdom to teach, the insight to instruct, the knowledge to expound, the patience to counsel, the humility to appoint, the authority to rebuke, the grace to restore, the riches to share and the vision to lead; experiences that only come through 25 years good leadership. We love you!

To find out more information or to make financial contributions to Save Africa’s Children please visit or call toll free: 866-313-2722.