What’s Behind a Gift? – Dec09 WOTM

The beauty of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season is that it brings along with it a spirit of thankfulness and giving.  During this time of year, many who celebrate this season will take a special moment to reflect on God’s blessings throughout the year, and will be inspired to give gifts to others or help those who are less fortunate during their time of need.  I believe it is safe to say that God smiles on us during this season as well, whether an individual be a Christian or not, because we are applying a promise of God from the book of Acts 20:35(b): “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

However, after Christmas Day has passed the truth behind the gifts become exposed.  For example, for some who have received Christmas gifts may be overjoyed with thankfulness and appreciation. Other recipients may truly be thankful for the thought behind the gift, even though the gift may not be what was desired or needed. Then there may be some, who outwardly show displeasure with the gift and are unthankful—and here we must be aware of the deception and trick of the enemy to cause discord between the gift and the giver. The motive behind the gift giver is exposed as well. Was there joy in presenting the gift? Are there any regrets for giving the gift because of incurred financial debt? Was the gift given to belittle someone else or to exalt self?

The fact of the matter is Jesus Christ is the real meaning for the season of Christmas giving. A scripture often quoted from the Bible during this time of year is John 3:16,”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God gave his best gift, His one and only Son Jesus.  It doesn’t matter what price we paid for a gift to present to someone, or how much joy and thankfulness it made them feel; the gift of Jesus Christ will never be surpassed!—the gift of salvation. And yes, there was also great price behind the gift of Jesus. He had to be separated from his Father because of the world’s sin and sacrifice His life in order for us to receive the gift of salvation. Hebrews 12:2 tells us about God’s motive behind His gift to us, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” God’s gift to us is free—but not cheap. Jesus willingly gave his life for us and loved so much that we may have eternal life…if we accept Him as our personal Savior. He was rewarded with the joy of being united on the throne of God with His Heavenly Father.

So, as you make haste to those busy shopping centers or search on-line on line for those special gifts to your love ones; turn on the Christmas lights; decorate the Christmas tree; place the gifts under the tree; and cook that special Christmas dinner for family and friends, I pray you won’t forget the best gift of all: Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior. Merry Christmas to all!!!

Deac Jeff Howard
HTC Men’s Dept