
Deut. 7:6; 14:12; I Chron. 28:10; John 15:16, 19 & I Peter 2:9

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I know it’s late, but the first few weeks of this year have been quite busy (seems like more than usual). Let’s get right to the theme God has placed on my heart for us to focus on this year – CHOSEN.

Late last year the Holy Spirit, while ministering to me, started doing what the Scriptures tell us He would do – bring all things to our remembrance (John 14:26). He told me that I had been chosen to minister in this community. He continued to impress upon me that not only would I minister, but that I had been chosen to have great impact in the Woodbridge community. Of course our old foe doubt immediately paid me a visit, but the Spirit continued and reminded me of something that happened about three years ago.

HTC was fellowshipping with one of our sister churches in the Great Northern District, The Lion of Judah. After ministering and really exhausted, I sat down while the host pastor, Elder Kenneth Hackett, took the microphone. He told me and the assembly of saints gathered that the Lord had chosen me to build a church in Woodbridge. He instructed someone to read I Chronicles 28:10: Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary: be strong, and do it. After we read the verse the Spirit fell on us and we rejoiced. Pastor Hackett told me to return home and write a check for the amount of money we would need for our church in faith. Mind you, we had been looking for years for a facility more suitable for the ministry, but nothing was working. I felt the Spirit bare witness within me and got a number in my head – I wrote a check the following day.

This past spring approximately three years later, in the middle of a recession, the Lord favored us to be approved for a mortgage for the exact amount I had written a check for three years earlier. Not only did we purchase property during what was a season of drought for many, but we purchased in a prime commercial location. It is a location that a couple of major corporations desired, but the Lord chose us to occupy. At closing when I saw the numbers on the HUD 1 paperwork, I started smiling. When the brokers, attorneys and trustees inquired the source of my humor, I reminded some and informed others of that service and prophecy.

Why am I sharing this testimony? First of all the Lord tells us to tell of His goodness and to make His deeds known; secondly we are called to encourage others. Some of you may or may not know the challenges new churches experience in the Northern Virginia area, trying to purchase property. Not only is land expensive, but the local government poses a challenge as well. I dare say it is not often you will find a congregation less than 12 years-old that has accomplished what we have, unless God be with them.

I suspect there are several of you reading this that may be (or have) experienced a time when you doubted the Lord or had questions about His plan for your life. Rest assured that which He promised He will perform because you have been chosen. Now, before someone gets high-minded or braggadocios, let’s look at the Word.

Deuteronomy records that when the Lord chose Israel, it wasn’t because they were the most powerful nation (they had just been freed from 400 years of captivity); it wasn’t because of their wealth (what they had, Egypt had given them); and it wasn’t because they were so holy (all but Joshua, Caleb and their families died in the wilderness because they rebelled against Moses, the Man of God). God chose them because He knew in spite of their short comings He could do something great in them that would bless everyone else. The Lord did not choose Solomon because he was better than all of David’s other sons (or David himself for that matter), but because Solomon had a heart for the people (II Chron 1:10).

Additionally, do not be surprised if people do not understand you or disagree with you because you have been chosen. In fact you should expect this (John 15:19). Jesus told His disciples that because He had chosen them out of the world, people would hate them. You do recall it was the leaders of the organized church that plotted against Jesus. Finally, do not be concerned that you cannot be like or be with everyone else; you must be peculiar, different (I Peter 2:9). There is a price to pay for being chosen – are you willing to pay it?

Holiness Tabernacle began this year in consecration as we have done in the past. Most if not all of the saints fasted and prayed before the Lord. However, this year we went a little further. Some of us expanded our fast days (and hours); some of us even went on to deny ourselves of other niceties and pleasantries (television, shopping, etc.) because we wanted something special from God. We have not been disappointed. I have seen an outpour of the Spirit that has been most unique and powerful. Seemingly, the Holy Ghost meets us tremendously in every service.

As I see the Spirit moving upon the saints, and the numerous visitors and guests that testify of the power of the Lord in our services, I do not get caught up in myself. The Spirit reminds me why I was chosen: (1) to build Him a house; (2) to show forth the praises of Him who hath called me out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Have you been chosen? Do you know why you were chosen? Stay tuned for more on this theme that has our entire congregation stirred!!

I bless you in the name of the Lord.

I remain your servant in Christ,


Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.
Pastor and Founder, Holiness Tabernacle COGIC