Living the Great Life – July 2K10 WTLB

by Aspiring Missionary Howard

What is life? Some people believe that life is the way we choose to live our destiny.

When we single out a person’s life based on how they live, even the type of job that a person has will speak of what kind of life they have. For example, someone in the armed forces has a “military life.” When we ask what kind of life a person has, we often hear them say, “I have a dog’s life. I have a crazy life. I don’t have a life.” Others may say, “This is my life and I’ll live my life the way I want to.”

Webster’s dictionary defines life as the time a person or things exists; one’s manner of living or the people and activities of a given time, place. In other words, a time frame or what they experience day by day that it is. One may say their life is going to work every morning, coming back home, preparing dinner and taking the kids to sports or school activities and nothing more. We may even see many get depressed, give up and, sadly unable to cope, take their own life.

But for us as Christians, life has another meaning. Our lives have a purpose and are of great value. Jesus is our life. He already let us know that we are in the world but we are not of this world. Yes, we might go through many things right now, but it does not matter to us because we know that He is able to keep us. We don’t walk this life alone. We’re living a Christian life where God is in control – He is our source. Yes, we will face troubles. But our trials and suffering are not in vain. That’s the way we’ll grow and there is joy in our journey. John 10:10b states, “I come that they might have life, and they might have it abundantly.” John 5:24 reminds us that “they that believe on him have everlasting life.” Our lives do not have to end. 1 John 5:11,12 lets us know that God “hath given eternal life… this life is in his Son and he that hath the Son hath life.” Our lives have style – we are living a great life!