A Word of Encouragement – Sept 2K10 WOTM

A Word of Encouragement
Brother David Moses

Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1

I say this safe and secure in the knowledge that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will sustain me and He will guard, guide and keep me from all harm and danger. He will strengthen me in all things. Nothing is impossible for my God. He favors me; all I have to do is ask for it.

Faith is the key to releasing the blessing that He has for me. When we go through trials in our lives, it is to make us worthy to receive God’s blessings that are to come out of these trials, while providing a testimony to encourage others. Our trials bring us closer to God because, through it all, we are walking and talking with God and we are able to hear His voice a lot clearly. I believe that our trials are spiritual exercises meant to grow our faith. It makes us stronger and wiser children of God and makes us more effective teachers of the Word of God through Jesus Christ. We were taught that to keep or get the body healthy we must do physical exercises, but to keep in touch with God we must have spiritual exercises.

God keeps revealing more and more to me daily; I can feel my spirit getting stronger and stronger in the Lord. I can stand on solid ground and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life. He is the Master of everything I do. God is touching my life and my family’s lives. My son recently came to church with me, God heard my prayer and He answered me. The seed was planted in his heart and now God will do the rest. He will draw him at the appointed time.

May the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guard, guide and keep you till we meet again. Amen.