Never Forget – Sept 2K10 WTLB

Never Forget
By Sis. Phoebe Wheeler

I admit I was guilty; it seemed that I had allowed myself to forget. God had picked me up out of the sin I was in and saved me from a terrible death! He blessed me yet again when He allowed me to move into a place of my own. I knew that God had done these things for me, so why did I allow present circumstances to cloud my judgment?

I knew that Philippians 4:19 said, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus, but I still worried when my bank account was nearly empty. I allowed myself to forget.

It is a given that during our lives we will face many trials and tribulations. It is during these trials and tribulations that we determine who we are, or who we will be in Jesus. Sometimes, if we are not careful and always prayerful, we allow doubt to creep in. 

Pastor said it best during an evening service when he said, “the devil has a way of putting blinders over our eyes.” The enemy only allows us to see the bad things that are happening in our lives. He wants us to be depressed, to lose sleep and to worry. He knows that if we worry, our minds and hearts are turned away from God. However, we know the truth – that because of our trials and tribulations we are drawn even closer to God.

As pastor continued to speak I couldn’t help but cry. I had been going through one of those valley experiences. When pastor spoke those words, I began to praise and thank God for His abundant grace and mercy!  I had to thank Him for putting me in a place where I was able to hear His voice clearly. I am sure that each and every one of us has a personal testimony.

It was at that moment, as tears fell from my face, that I remembered my testimony. Above everything else, in spite of all that I had done, God was able to save my soul. Because of His love for me, He was able to forgive me!

John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” I remembered that God had brought me out of many difficult situations even since that time. I reminded myself, is anything too hard for God?

Psalms 56:13 reads, “For thou has delivered my soul from death: wilt thou not deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?” I got rid of my blinders that day. I will never forget what God has done for me!