Thematic Moment at the 2010 Holy Convocation

By Pastor Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

St. Louis, Mo. – Thursday, November 11, 2010 will be recorded as a historical day for many people for many different reasons. I am sure there were world, national and local stories that are forever etched in people’s minds. No doubt a great game was played or a memorable political event took place. But for some of us this was a night to remember for another reason. This was because our own – Sister Delia Pruitte – was selected (CHOSEN) to present the Thematic Moment, an opportunity for a young adult to present on a particular auxiliary, department or work of the Church, at the 103rd International Holy Convocation.

As I sat in the audience of about 12,000 people, I was a nervous wreck – it was difficult to concentrate on the service. I was torn between following what was happening in the program, participating in the service, praying for Sister Pruitte and trying to see if she was on the platform. Finally, she was introduced. She had been selected to speak on the topic of Global Missions and its impact on the Church Of God In Christ. Sister Pruitte informed the congregation the role missions had played in the Church, from its inception through our Founder Bishop Charles Harrison Mason (who travelled across the globe establishing churches in Haiti, Western Africa and preaching in Europe), to our current Presiding Bishop Charles Edward Blake who has established Save Africa’s Children – a ministry that provides food, clothing, medical and other needs for thousands of orphans on the continent of Africa. She ended her discourse by giving a personal testimony about how her commitment to Jesus Christ causes her to get involved with the people she encounters on a daily basis.

As Sister Delia walked away from the podium, Bishop Blake stood and embraced her with a broad grin of approval. Someone behind my wife and I tapped me on the shoulder and asked if that was our daughter – we beamed with pride and said “YES!” For the remainder of the week we were congratulated by so many people who had heard Sister Pruitte’s presentation – it was awesome!

As I reflect on that day, I have so many thoughts and feelings – all positive and grateful. To think of the millions of members of this Church, of the hundreds of thousands who annually attend the Holy Convocation, who have never had an opportunity to address the audience, left me with a feeling of awe at the significance of her speaking. While that was great, I was even more thankful as Sister Delia Pruitte spoke on Global Missions; not only did she know the history of Bishop Mason’s work, not only could she recite Bishop Blake’s efforts, but more importantly she could give personal testimony of her own work and commitment to missions. That is what makes the Church Of God In Christ truly, the GREATEST Church in the world!!

One Comment


    That's awesome!!!  Congratulations to Delia and the Pruitte family!!  Continue to walk in your God-given purpose, we have yet to see all the great things he has in store for you!

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