1st Lady’s Blog – Welcome

Hello and welcome to my page! Please visit often as I will post a new story every first and third Monday of the month. It is my prayer that these stories serve to encourage and help strengthen your relationship with Christ.

As we walk about throughout our daily lives, we can look around us and see God at work. You can see Him working at your job, at home, in your church and certainly in the natural surroundings of this beautiful Earth He created just for us. He made it large enough for the billions of people on it and planted in it all the resources needed to sustain us.

God has done so much for us and has provided us with all the tools we need to be successful. It is left up to us to utilize these tools that we “might have life and that more abundantly” (John 10:10). The Bible is one of the greatest tools the Lord has placed in our hands. He went through great lengths and many lives were lost in order to have this powerful instrument available to us.

I consider myself an “Old Testament junkie.” I love it because it is full of stories. I love hearing and telling stories because they tend to stick with you throughout your lifetime. They also help drive home a point and help you make connections. Stories are a great medium of communication. Whenever I teach a Bible class I endeavor to bring the story to life. This helps my students understand the lesson and it helps them apply it to their lives.

My prayer before each Bible lesson is always that “the Lord may help us apply these words to our heart and to our lives that we might not sin against Him.” May God continue to truly bless you and I hope you enjoy these stories.

Mother Vivian Valdez Pruitte