A Yet Praise – January 2K11 WOTM

By Min Andre Powell

Job 13:15-16 reads, 15Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.  16He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him.

The dictionary defines praise as the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship.

The story of Job is one that is a testimony of a man with TRUE faith in the Lord. He found favor with God for being faithful and then Satan just had to put him to the test. God allowed the devil to inflict hardship on Job because He knew Job could bear it. In losing everything, Job still says these words, “yet will I trust…”

We as children of God get caught up in everything that is going on in our lives and forget who is really in charge. We come into some conflicts with our heads raised high, then we proceed to allow them to beat us. This is where your Yet Praise comes in handy. The strength and power over that situation has already been given to you, wrapped and compact. You can take it wherever you go. That Yet Praise can help you through the storms in your life; over the hurdles that you are forced to go through. The Lord will never allow you to face an obstacle you can’t handle. If you can’t see your way out of the situation, you still have that Yet Praise in reserve. There is victory in our praise and nothing stands against the power of the Lord when we praise because He will Inhabit that praise and give you more than enough for that situation.

Remember when you are struggling on the job and you cannot see the bright side, use a Yet Praise. When your life is going in every directions and won’t slow down for you to catch up, have a Yet Praise. Know that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Hold on to your Yet Praise and give God glory for the things that He has done, is doing and going to do. You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Have in your heart…”A Yet Praise!”