A Device of Satan – February 2K11 WTLB

By Sis Jewell Miles

Watch Out For TrapsParanormal television shows and movies are now on at all times of the day and can be seen on many different channels. Some of these television shows and movies include The Vampire Diaries, Ghost Hunters, Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Most Haunted, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the ever popular Twighlight Saga.

Paranormal activity use to be a taboo subject that was rarely talked about in public. As seen from the many examples of paranormal television shows and movies, this has now changed. It is not uncommon to turn on the television and become mesmerized by one of these shows. 2 Corinthians 2:11 (KJV) states, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. Paranormal television shows and movies are devices used by Satan to ensnare or trap people.

A trap is a trick of an enemy to take you captive and prisoner. To trap a wild animal some have used a spring like device with a lure or enticing bait to conceal the danger. Digging a big hole in the ground and covering it with branches and leaves so that the danger is not recognized is another way to set a trap. People or animals could fall into this trap if they walk across it. Whether you realize it or not, you are walking down a figurative trail in life and Satan has placed many concealed traps in your path to take you captive.  Psalm 119:110 states, The wicked have set their traps for me along your path….

The traps of the enemy are many times laced with enough truth and good that it appears to be something desirable. This is a common practice of the enemy. He usually does not start with the blatant, obvious lies; he always starts with the truth and mixes in a few lies here and there. By doing this he disguises the lies and makes them harder to recognize and easier to accept.

While natural traps are hidden dangers to your physical well being, spiritual traps are hidden pitfalls that are intended for your spiritual harm. Since Satan is not physically present in the world and it is not possible for him to be in physical manifestation, he uses people to set traps for other people. Satan works very hard to deceive everyone, but many times he concentrates on a select few to deceive and then he uses them to deceive others.

Exodus 23:33 says, They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee [emphasis mine].

One of Satan’s most deceitful tactics is to deny his existence in the world and down play it in the local church. This strategy is the absolute opposite of God’s desire for His people. God desires for His people …to believe that He is, and [that] He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, as stated in Hebrews 11:6. Paranormal shows and movies allow Satan to deny his existence by desensitizing people from the realization that he actually exists. He is therefore under-estimated, ignored or denied, freeing him to go about his business unhindered, unheeded and unchecked. 

In any warfare, accurate intelligence information concerning the enemy’s plan of attack has always been essential to victory. This is no less true of spiritual warfare. In our warfare against Satan, it is vitally important not to be ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). Neither give place to the devil – your adversary will strive to influence your mind and irritate your spirit; watch and pray that he may not get any place in you, or controlling influence over you.