The Gift of Love – February 2K11 WOTM

Gift of LoveA presentation of lovely fresh red roses; a gift of chocolate candies; a surprise mail delivery of a beautiful, colorful bouquet of flowers to a loved one; and a romantic candlelight dinner for two are all familiar sights and smells of this special day in the month of February.  For many of us, Valentine’s Day sparks the emotion of love in our hearts as we perhaps become more inspired to show affection to a special person. However, though we may get caught up in the urgency to order flowers before the 14th, buy that special gift and make the dinner reservation from the elegant restaurant, the originator of love is often overlooked.

In the gospel of John 3:16, Jesus tells us, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. In spite of a world, which had become inundated with sinful and hateful people, God loved us so much that He gave His very best gift, His only son, to sacrifice His life for us and redeem us back into a relationship with Him. Jesus makes mention of His love in John 15:13, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. It is impossible, then, for anyone on earth to equal or exceed the love Christ has for us.

Apostle Paul goes on to give us another view of love in I Corinthians chapter 13, which is also known as the “love chapter.” Prior to this chapter, he talks about the blessings of spiritual gifts such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, discerning spirits, prophecy and divers kinds of tongues. But even if a Christian is blessed with one or more of these gifts, Paul shows us a more excellent way. He explains that although we as Christians may possess the manifestation of these gifts from God, if they are not exercised with love we are nothing. He was warning against gifts that are being used for self glory and not shared to edify the body of Christ. Paul goes on to define love as being kind, longsuffering, envieth not, not arrogant, not easily provoked and thinks no evil, just to name a few (I Corinthians 13:4-8).

So as you remember that special person on that special day in February, and as you make plans to shower them with love and gifts, don’t forget about the One who created love. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Deacon Jeff Howard