1st Lady’s Blog – Favored

I was the favored child of my family for many years. I remember when I was a child in my native country of the Dominican Republic. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather spoiled me. While my brothers had to work all day, as the youngest and only girl, I was able to play all day. I swam in the river and caught pet fish which would later die because I placed them in old rum bottles and fed them avocado. Yes being favored had its perks!

Joseph in the Bible was the favored son of Jacob. Joseph’s father gave him a coat of many colors. The children of kings were known to have this type of vesture. Jacob unknowingly was preparing Joseph for future destiny. Eventually, Joseph rose to the ranks of second in command in Egypt.

The downside to being favored is that others become jealous and these feelings can lead to resentment. I know for a fact that my brothers weren’t too pleased with the fact that they had to do all of the work while I got to play around when we were younger. Joseph’s brothers resented and even began to hate their brother. Because of this, they sold him into slavery. While the slavery and the imprisonment Joseph suffered was a grave injustice to Joseph, it all worked into the plan of God in order for Joseph to save the very people who were jealous of him.

When we make the decision to follow Christ, we become favored of God and He immediately makes us joint heirs with His begotten son, Christ. Sometimes, other people may not like the fact that we have God’s favor working in our lives – and they may even resent us for it. Ultimately, though, favor is a gift from God to all of His children. We are bestowed with immortality and are prepared a place to dwell in eternity. What a wonderful feeling it is to be favored!

Mother Vivian Valdez Pruitte