Distinguished Voice Recital: Dei Nikoi

Holiness Tabernacle is proud to congratulate Dei Ashilei Nikoi, who will give her Distinguished Majors Voice Recital on Saturday, March 26th, 2011 at 3:30pm in the Old Cabell Hall Auditorium of the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville.

A fourth year Music major at UVA, this will be the first recital given by Sis. Nikoi, and will display the end of a three year journey with her vocal coach, Pamela Beasley. Sis. Nikoi will perform works by Lee Hoiby, Maurice Ravel, Giacomo Puccini, Alfredo Catalani, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Strauss, H.T. Burleigh, Undine Smith Moore and George Gershwin. The free concert will feature accompanist Karen W. Dalton. A reception will follow.

God bless Sis Dei Nikoi as she excels in her God-given talent! Your HTC family is godly proud of your accomplishments!

This recital is supported by the Charles S. Roberts Scholarship Fund. Established in 2004 by the generosity of Mr. Alan Y. Roberts ('64) and Mrs. Sally G. Roberts, the Charles S. Roberts Scholarship Fund underwrites the private lessons and recital costs for undergraduate music majors giving a recital in their fourth year as part of a distinguished major program in music.

For further information about the concert, visit http://artsandsciences.virginia.edu/music/concertsevents/pressreleases/10-11/110326nikoi.html