Revival is What We Needed! Lord, Keep Revival Alive In Us!

The Holiness Tabernacle COGIC Annual Spring Revival, which lasted March 16-18, was a blessed time in the Lord. Our revivalist this year was Mother Nellie Townes, Jurisdictional Supervisor of the First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia. The Lord truly met us every night with prayer and messages focused on “revival,” which means to quicken or bring life to again.

Night One: I Need a Revival

Many times in life we go through something difficult, and no sooner we’ve come through, two or three other things show up in our lives. At these times, it feels like we cannot make it through; it is too hard for our weary and beaten down selves. We put so much into that last situation that it has drained us to the very core of our soul.

Fortunately, we serve a God that can do everything. That is part of the reason why revival is necessary. When our spirit has been expended to the point where even the little things that we’d normally brush off with ease prove to be more difficult, we need a revival.

Night Two: The Reason for Revival

There are many reasons we need a revival and one of the major reasons is for His name’s sake. So many souls are in trouble or facing obstacles that only God can deliver them from. When we are revived, our testimony is kept fresh and it allows us to be bolder witnesses for the Kingdom. God’s mercies are great and He will revive us when we ask, as often as we need it; there is no limit.

Night Three: What Happens After Revival?

After a revival, there is so much to look forward to. You have a “do” attitude. Anything that you can put yourself to do will get done. You will look forward to getting to work for the Lord and the kingdom. Revival brings people together, not apart; God is a God of order and structure. You will be more spiritually in tune with God’s Word and will be bolder witness after revival. It does not help to only witness to those that are in the church; they are in the church and less likely to leave. We are charged to stand up and reconcile others. Acts 2:17b says, Saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. When you are revived, God give you more of His spirit and show you things in dreams and vision, it doesn’t matter who you are but whether you are in the spirit of the Lord and revived.

In closing, Mother Townes told the HTC family, “Do not let the revival end here. Keep letting it live on in this church. HTC is meant to be on Old Bridge Road.” We must stay revived so that we are prepared for the souls to come. When you are revived, you will want to tell anyone and everyone that will listen. After the revival comes, you will be stronger than the day before and pressing for the mark of the high calling.