True or False – June 2K11 WOTM

By Brother Michael Benjamin

But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting kingJeremiah 10:10a

True or FalseNo, this is neither a 50/50 question nor is it a pop quiz (those “unprepared” do not need to ask others to borrow a pencil). In truth, this is more of an observation. But in order to get the point across, this observation requires a little background history.

In Genesis 1:1, the reader gets his or her introduction of God—the Creator. All we know is that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Notice at this point and time, there is no question of whether God is the true God, or if God is the living God….He is just God.

Somewhere in between then and now, there has and always will be an ongoing debate of who the true God is. Which one is it? Jehovah…Allah…or Buddha? Sad, but true, the devil has been deceiving the hearts and minds of men since the Adamite ages.

Questioning the validity of someone or something has not just ended at God. Brothers and sisters, it has gotten so bad where now I’ve heard people term saints as “true” Christians or “saved” Christians. Well, can there be a false Christian, or an unsaved Christian? Is the point getting across?

Just as water and oil do not mix, neither can the truth and a lie. James 3:11 says, Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? It does not make logical sense in the natural for two opposites to correlate, so why in the spiritual?

So, what is the point Brother Mike? The point is that we as Christians must build ourselves up on our most holy faith. Let there not be any room for question as to who the true and living God is. Let us weigh our actions and motives according to the Word of God.

Last, but not least, always be “prepared”…never know when a question will pop up.