Assistant Superintendent Pruitte Tells Great Northern District to go to Higher Ground!

On the week of June 13-17, Virginia's Great Northern District held their Annual District Meeting at Yeshua Church of God in Christ. The meeting was powerful and God's Spirit moved mightily each night. Everyone who attended the services was greatly blessed and encouraged by the Word of God brought by His anointed preachers and missionaries. On Tuesday night our Assistant Superintendant, Pastor Eddie B Pruitte Jr. was anointed to bring forth the message. Even before the Word was preached, you could sense that God was going to move mightily throughout the service.

It began with a powerful prayer by Minister Eugene McCown. The District Youth Choir was called upon to sing praises to the Lord and they sang under the anointing as God was mightily exalted. The congregation began to get with one accord and God's Spirit filled the house of prayer. The church became so full that extra chairs were needed to seat the people.

Afterwards came the conclusion of the matter as Pastor Pruitte broke bread in the Word to preach the message. A high point of his message was when he urged the saints to move to "higher ground" above the circumstances and hindrances we face in life that keeps us from doing the will of God. One of the key scriptures came from Habakkuk 3:19, The Lord God is my strength and he will make my feet like hinds feet and he will make me to walk upon my high places.

After the Word was preached, God still wasn't finished. Many souls were laid out on the floor worshipping God. The church leaders began to pray and minister to the people and God's Spirit moved even more mightily. Two young men were exceptionally blessed in a mighty way; Timothy Minggia and Robert Pickett were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost, after the 11:00 p.m. hour! Oh what a service!