The Women of HTC Had a Time at the 61st International Women’s Convention and Crusade!

Every year, thousands of women look forward to the week starting right after Memorial Day and not because they want to shop at all the holiday sale events! Rather it is because that is when the Church Of God In Christ hosts its annual Women’s Convention and Crusade – a time when women from across the world gather together to praise and magnify the Lord.

This year, several women from Holiness Tabernacle attended the 61st Women’s Convention and Crusade in Dallas, Texas. Below are short reflections and photos of some of the woman’s experience, the services they attended and the enjoyable time they had.

From Mother Deborah Brown:

For those women who may not have attended an International Women’s Convention and Crusade before, here is a breakdown of some of the services for the week:

61st Women’s International Convention and Crusade

Theme: Holy Women Focused on God’s Agenda for the Church (Luke 4:18, John 9:4)

  • Sunday, May 29
    12 Hour Prayer, Praise & Shut-in: Midnight on Sunday to 12noon on Monday

  • Monday, May 30
    Gospel Music Explosion

  • Tuesday, May 31
    Annual Prayer Breakfast
    Official Opening – Mother Willie Mae Rivers, General Supervisor
    Banner Parade
    General Leadership Conference

  • Wednesday, June 1
    General Supervisor’s Dialogue with Youth Women (49 and Under Panel)
    Service – Supervisor LuVonia Whitley, Illinois Midwest

  • Thursday, June 2
    Service – Workshops on Prayer, Forgiveness and Church Hurts
    Glory Train: 1951-2011
    Service – Evangelist Ruth Pryor, former Bishop’s wife, Michigan Southwest Third

  • Friday, June 3
    Sunshine Band and Purity Class Display
    Closing Service – Bishop Blake, Presiding Bishop


From Mother Freda Benjamin:

During the first service on Tuesday, Mother Willie Mae Rivers’ night, the serviced opened with a memorial of the saints who had died since the last Convention. Next was the Banner Parade of the different ministries that fall under the Women’s Department and I was glad to see that the First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia was well represented in the parade.  Not only that, but the women were warmly welcomed by the first lady of Texas and the host bishop, Bishop J. Neaul Haynes.

Mother Rivers brought an inspiring message encouraging the women to seek God for strength through prayer, fasting, faith and wisdom. She said, “Go all the way for God! Say yes to God!” Mother Rivers asked the audience if there were any “Yes Lord” women in the house and to that, there was a resounding “Yes!” from the women in the audience.

From Mother Doris Cassidy:

I had the opportunity to attend the Women’s Convention Symposium. These classes are on issues that the body of Christ face every day. Saints of the most high God, we must build up our families spiritually and naturally. Two topics covered at the Symposium included:

  1. Widowhood, Divorce, Loss…Understanding the Grief Process: Preparing for Your Future!

  2. Victorious in Conquering the Struggle With Gender Identity (Loved One or Personal)

Class 1: Widowhood, Divorce, Loss… Understanding the Grief Process: Preparing for Your Future!   

This class encouraged the women to prepare for their future by having a will. We were reminded that if we don’t have a will, the state will step in and take over. A will allows you to:

  • Designate who will inherit which of your assets.

  • Name a guardian for your children and an executor of your estate.

  • Specify when your children will receive what. 

Holy women of God, we must talk about death. Some topics we fail to discuss with our love ones.   We can change a doctor appointment or perhaps a hair appointment, but death is one appointment that can’t be changed. During the class you could feel the instructor’s hurt as she was in the healing process, but in a dream, God revealed to her to exit out to where she could discover joy.

Class 2: Victorious in Conquering the Struggle with Gender Identity (Loved One or Personal)

This class reminded the women to continue praying and fasting for loved ones that we have before God. In the class, we heard the testimony of Regina, a woman raised in the church who questioned her sexual identity at a young age. She didn’t share this issue with everyone and at the age of 20 got married and had two children. After marriage, Regina was seduced by her son’s teacher and they had a three year affair. When she refused to leave her husband, the teacher then seduced her husband, ripping the marriage apart. Regina moved to another state and lived as a man for thirty years, calling herself Reginald. She even bought a house and lived with another woman. Despite her lifestyle, her sister called her every week and kept her before GOD praying and fasting and telling her the devil would not have her.

After thirty years, Regina went back to church and God saved her and filled her with the Holy Ghost. A year later God had saved her ex-husband, filled him with the Holy Ghost and told him to take back his wife. God restored their marriage and the saints were reminded to continue praying for loved ones. There is no failure in God!

From Mother Freda Benjamin:

On Friday, Bishop Charles Edward Blake, presiding Bishop of the Church Of God In Christ, ended the Convention with the message “Rejected, But Selected.” He stated the Samaritan woman was rejected not only by other races, but she was even rejected by other Samaritan women. Bishop Blake reminded us that just because man may reject or despise you, it doesn’t mean Jesus will. He said, “When you are down to nothing you are just right for God.”

For me, the memories are what I’ll treasure the most. Some of the greatest highlights for me included:

  • Hearing the testimonies of the 49 and under;
    Seeing and praying along as Bishop Blake laid hands and prayed for all Sunshine Band and Purity Class children who were present at the Youth Day Program;

  • Seeing Mother Rivers walk down from the stage, then lay hands and pray for all mothers aged 80 and older;

  • Listening as Lady Mae Blake greeted us as only she can with such grace and class;

  • Hearing the different testimonies of divine protection and provision from mission leaders representing places from all around the world;

  • Seeing over 100 women from Louisiana in their fashionable cowgirl hats; and

  • Meeting new sisters and fellowshipping with sisters I hadn’t seen since last year or before.

Needless to say I’m looking forward to heading out to “hot ATL” next year where the 62nd International COGIC Women’s Convention and Crusade will convene! Come go with me!