1st Lady’s Blog – Thirsting for God

I was watching a show about antelopes on the National Geographic channel; an episode that took place during the dry season in the African wilderness. The land was parched, all the water sources had dried up, and the animals had to migrate long distances to reach water. Normally, the predatory animals and its prey would not get along because of the constant danger. But this time it was different. They all were dying of thirst. In fact, some literally collapsed and died along the way.

I continued watching as the animals finally reached a river that was very low, but still had some water. Just beneath the surface, however, hungry crocodiles were lurking in the water. As the antelopes cautiously approached, they stared longingly at the water but were afraid to drink. Finally, a young antelope could no longer resist and placed its mouth in the water. Almost immediately, the hungry crocodile leaped out of the water and devoured the young antelope. The powerful force of thirst drove the antelope to risk its life. Despite the danger it faced, the antelope was compelled to drink.

Have you ever had a thirst that only water could satisfy? Personally I hate drinking water, but there are times when I am so thirsty that I feel compelled to drink it. My body will long and crave for it. This is the kind of thirst for God that David experienced. He pronounced as the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God (Psalm 42:1). David understood the compulsion of the young antelope. This same thirst is the one God desires of us. He proclaims in His Word that those who thirst after righteousness…shall be filled (Matthew 5:6).

As Christians, we need to develop a thirst for God. While dying on the cross, Jesus cried out that He thirsted. I do not believe He had a natural thirst, but one that only the Father could meet. Jesus thirsted for His relationship with the Father just as the Father wants us to thirst for Him. When we thirst for God, He will supply us with that living water that flows from the Rock called Jesus.