Everybody Ought to Know, Who Jesus Is!

Matthew 16:13-18

Who Is Jesus?Since the beginning of time people have asked these questions:

  • Is there a god?

  • What is he like?

  • Where did he come from?

  • Where does he live?

  • Why does he allow bad things to happen to innocent people?

No doubt you have asked yourself these and other questions and it does not cease after we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior. This is because a part of our three part being, (man is a three part being: body, soul and spirit – I Thessalonians 5:23) the mind or spirit, has to be convinced who God is.

The Scriptures are full of accounts of people who battled in their minds with the true identity and character of God. Eve in the Garden of Eden; Abraham who lied about his wife’s identity; Moses asked who should say sent him to Pharaoh; even the apostle Paul commented about the altar on Mars Hill built for THE UNKNOWN GOD (Acts 17). In fact, you no doubt have at times questioned God, your salvation, your calling – it happens to all of us. This is a result of the battle being waged in our minds on the identity and character of God and how He relates to us in our lives: does God really love me? Are my sins really forgiven? Did God really call me?

Now the devil has no doubt who Jesus is. Remember the man who had so many evil spirits in him he was known as legion? When Jesus approached him, the demons cried out and acknowledged Jesus. They even went so far as to ask permission to go into the swine.

In the text, Jesus is again battling with the Pharisees, Sadducees and the disciples’ lack of faith and understanding. The chapter begins with Jesus reprimanding the Pharisees and Sadducees for their ability to predict the weather by observing the clouds and position of the sun, however they could not (or would not) accept the signs that He was the son of God! When He warns the disciples about eating the bread of the Pharisees and Sadducees, they (the disciples) think Jesus is concerned about them forgetting to bring their lunch!

Jesus incredulously asked how they had been so long with Him, yet still did not understand Him. He then asked them who the people said He was – apparently the general public did not have a full understanding who Jesus was. According to the disciples, some said He was John the Baptist, some said He was Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the other prophets. He then asked who they thought He was. We don’t know what the other disciples thought because they did not speak up. Peter, however, had a divine revelation. He said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus immediately responded and made another declaration. Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Jesus bestowed upon Peter an individual blessing because he received a divine revelation. Yes, the Lord revealed a truth to his spirit / mind and this is why Peter was blessed.

My friends, when we really receive in our minds who Jesus really is, we will see things a whole lot differently. When we know who He is, we will understand we can do all things; when we know who He is, we really will be more than conquerors. When our minds receive who Jesus is, no one will have to tell us to witness, we’ll want to. When we know who Jesus is, we won’t have to be convinced about the importance of faithful church attendance and true worship. We will understand those things we do in the dark are seen by God; those words we say in private aren’t that private at all. Those secret thoughts we have are not secret at all.

Let me encourage you; seek to know who Jesus is. Your friends, family or loved ones cannot reveal it to you – God Himself must reveal it to your mind. And when your know who He is, the remainder of the verse becomes a reality – 18And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  19And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

When you know who He is, nothing, no one nor any circumstance will stop you. When you know who He is, you’ll have keys (authority) to speak things into existence; bind or stop things. You can take back things the enemy has stolen. Then you’ll want others to have the same experience! Yes, everybody ought to know who Jesus is!!