1st Lady’s Blog – Are Your Members Working?

Team WorkAt first glance this title might make you think about a church congregation, but I am actually talking about your body parts. I recently taught a class entitled Equipped for Ministry. I began the class by having everyone stand and do a series of exercises. I asked them to open and close their eyes, wiggle their fingers, and raise their arms and legs. When they were done and I saw that everyone was able to perform the various exercises, I told them that since their members were working they were equipped for ministry.

When a member of your body is not working, the whole body is affected. Other body parts have to compensate for the portion that is not functioning. This causes a strain on the entire body and forces it to work harder to make up for the nonfunctioning member. No matter how small or insignificant you may feel that body part is, when it’s not working properly, you notice it and it makes the body less effective. Likewise, when a member of the church is not functioning, it causes a strain on the entire ministry. The ministry is hindered and cannot achieve its full potential.

You may see yourself as an insignificant member of the body of Christ, but to the body of believers you are very significant. You help make it a cohesive unit that it may carry out its purpose of doing a work for Christ. If you are missing or are not functioning, you are making it difficult for the body to be effective in ministry. Think of how wonderful it would be: the things we could do and the people we could reach if everyone was doing their part in the ministry. I want to encourage you – if your members are working, then you should be also!