Living by Faith – August 2K11 WOTM

by Deacon David Moses

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Romans 1:17 tell us that "the just shall live by faith."  FAITH is not just a get what you want plan, because God rewards those who diligently seek him.  In addition, when one makes his request known to God, he must believe that He is going to get it.  For Jesus said to ask the Father for anything in His name and it will be given to him.  Psalm 138:2 states, "for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."  When we ask, we must ask with the belief that is is already done.  If we ask with our mind wavering, we defeat our faith.

We sometimes lose faith in God by becoming impatient and forgetting that we are working in God's time.  Our time and His time are not the same, so our patience works to get us in line with God's time.  While getting in line with His time, we should use this time to remain busy and work for the Kingdom of God.  We cannot remain stagnant. The Word of God tells us to "seek ye first the Kingdom of God."   We must always be available to minister to someone.  Our testimonies can save a soul and they can bring someone to Jesus. There is a scripture that states when you have overcome your trial, turn back and help your brethren.

I recently went on vacation to Jamaica and while there, I found myself reading and praying a lot more than I normally do. I was reading my Bible for 5 to 6 hours a day. The climate there was so stifling and hot, I would go back into the room and read my Bible while cooling off.  Since God does not take time off for vacation, we must continue to work for Him. One evening I was ministering to a young relative and another young man joined us.  In total, there were approximately five of us.  While I was ministering, the relative whom we were staying with remarked that I should call her husband so he could listen, but the Spirit was in the midst of us.  I could not stop, and she could not find him.  When I finished, I was not amazed for I knew that God always has a plan in everything that is done in His name.  The message was for the young relative and he received it, but it was also received by the relative whose husband could not be found.  He was in the room directly behind where I happen to be ministering to my other relative.  Though nobody could find him, the Word of God found him.

There is more, but I will save it for the next time.  For now, may the Lord and Savior continue to guard, guide and protect you from all harm and danger and may the grace of God rest and abide with you in Jesus Christ’s name.  Amen!!!