Summer Blessings – September 2K11 Youthful Expressions

This summer God really blessed my family. Every summer, my family goes on a long trip to different states to the International Auxiliaries In Ministry [AIM] Convention. This summer it was in Houston, Texas. I have a very big family, so it was going to cost a lot of money. God blessed us with enough money to go on that trip. He also blessed us to drive 23 hours to Texas and back with no accidents and not run out of gas.

While we were at the convention, God blessed us to have fun the whole week. Nobody got sick in my family, even though it was really hot. We went swimming everyday and nobody drowned. In addition,  God also blessed us to spend some time with my Grandma from California.

I believe this trip was a blessing for my family because not everyone’s family can go on big trips. Today, things cost so much money and people get discouraged. says to be blessed means “to bestow good of any kind upon.” God really blessed my family.

So, how do you get blessed? Read Deuteronomy 28. You have to listen to God and keep His commandments. If you do, you’ll be blessed. If you don’t, then you'll be cursed. I think I’ll listen to God because I like blessings, just like my summer blessing.

Submitted by
Crystal McCown