1st Lady’s Blog – Our Worship Experience

At the beginning of this year, during one of our worship services when the Spirit of the Lord came in and lingered among us, I told the Lord that I was giving myself completely to Him. I felt the Spirit wash over me and the Lord began to reveal things to me. I saw a vision of a heavenly orchestra – an orchestra that I was conducting! As I moved my arms through the air, the orchestra would follow my direction, the music rising and falling as I directed. As the vision was leaving me I heard the words, “call unto me and I will answer and show great and mighty things which thou knowest not.”

Our Worship ExperienceEven as I came out of the vision, I continued to repeat this over and over in my mind. I decide to see if I could find a scripture that correlated with this message. To my surprise there was. I found this scripture in the book of Jeremiah chapter 33, verse 3. I felt that God took me to another level in Him that day. Since then, the Lord has increased my worship experience. He has blessed me mightily throughout this year. Through worship, He has taken me to places in Him I would have never imagined.

There is a place in God we need to get to, but it takes time. We won’t achieve that level in Him by rushing in and out of His presence. The Bible admonishes in Jeremiah 33:3 to call out to Him and He will respond. God wants us to worship Him. Through worship, He reveals more of Himself to us and we get to know Him more intimately. God desires to have more than just a casual relationship with us – He wants to have a rich and meaningful relationship with us! As we worship Him we truly begin to see what an awesome, loving and powerful God we serve. Increase your worship time and expect God to come in. Yes, it will take time to get to know Him, but you will discover that God can take you to higher heights in Him and increase your worship experience!