Are We Too Busy? – October 2K11 WTLB

Hey, slow down! With multiple jobs, business deadlines, productivity quotas, and children to attend to, you can really flood your schedule. Way Too BusyIt is easy to think, if only I didn’t have so many responsibility, then I could have a closer walk with God. 

It is not impossible to improve our relationship with God despite the overwhelming schedules. Let us try to prioritize by putting God at number one on our list and watch how He allows everything else to fall into place. Jesus in the city of Capernaum: at evening, when the sun had set, they brought to Him all who were sick and those who were demon-possessed. And the whole city was gathered together at the door. Then he healed many (Mark 1: 32-34, NKJV). The next day Christ sought out a quiet place and prayed. There Jesus received further instructions on how to proceed with His ministry.

Let us follow the example of Jesus Christ by setting aside a specific time for prayer, and while we are praying, trust that God is working on our behalf. Because, when we have our mind in the right place Jesus will not allow anything to steal the time we need to commune with Him.

So, slow down and learn to lean on the Lord for guidance and direction and He will keep our life balanced.

God Bless!

Sis Danieth Pryce