1st Lady’s Blog – The Void

When we read the book of Ecclesiastes we find that King Solomon keeps searching for something to fill a void in his life. He turns to many vices such as women, drinking, and obtaining and accumulating things. The VoidWe may even ask ourselves how such a wise man could not feel fulfilled. Solomon found emptiness in everything he sought after. He had everything, yet nothing satisfied him.

Just like Solomon, we often seek after things to try to fill the void that we have within us. We try to fill it with lots of things like food, clothes and nice things. Sometimes we feel that having money will help us reach the point of fulfillment. Unfortunately, just like Solomon, we eventually discover that these things leave us feeling empty. We may ask ourselves, why do we have this void and what is the purpose of the void?

At the end of Ecclesiastes we see Solomon come to the conclusion that only God can satisfy that void that is within us. God placed that void in us that we may seek Him and be fulfilled. When we strive for other things and forget God, Solomon says it is like striving after the wind. It is futile to strive after the wind because it can’t be captured or contained – just like contentment without God can’t be obtained. So the next time you feel an emptiness inside and begin to reach for those potato chips, a big bowl of ice cream or decide to go on a shopping spree, stop and ask yourself, “what place is God occupying in my life?”