1st Lady’s Blog – Give Thanks

Give ThanksThanksgiving is a word that has seems to have lost its meaning over the years. The original pilgrims that came to the new world wanted to serve God in freedom; how far we have strayed from those days. Now that we have much more than the pilgrims had, we tend to be less grateful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us.

Having so much at our disposal makes it almost impossible to stop and remember God’s blessings. This may be why the scriptures talk about us making a “sacrifice of thanksgiving.” It requires effort. We must make the time to do it. Take a few minutes out of your busy day to tell the Lord thank you,

And you will see how much better your day will go because, for those few moments, you forget about yourself and your problems and placed your focus on God.

Nothing should get in the way of us expressing our appreciation to the One who made it possible for us to enjoy the benefits of our forefathers’ labors.

Knowing all the suffering they experienced should make us proud to be in a country where we can worship God freely.

So I admonish you, stop and take a minute to focus and give thanks on the creator and sustainer of all things.

Giving is sometimes called a blessed thing. Even though is not scriptural, the saying “it is more blessed to give than to receive” is a good principle to live by. Who has given more to us than God? He gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. It was the best gift this world could have ever received. There is nothing like the joy of having someone open a gift you give them; you took the time to get know what they like and selected it for them. Seeing the expression on their face is sometimes thanks enough. This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to make the sacrifice and give thanks to God for the sacrifice He made for us!