1st Lady’s Blog – Venga Uno

Whenever I hear this phrase it reminds me of a great man who played a major role in my life for six years; it was my great-grandfather Pedro. He would use this phrase every night when he bathed my brothers and me in the River Haina in my home country, the Dominican Republic. Papá, as I called him, would walk us down the path that led to the river. He would sit on a flat stone and call us one by one, venga uno, a Spanish phrase which means, come one. Since I was the youngest, my brothers would always push me to go first so that they could continue playing. Papá would lather me from head to toe with the homemade lye soap. I would then go back into the water and submerge myself to rinse away all of the lather. After we were all finished he would walk us back up the path to the house and tuck us into bed. Papá did a great deal of the caring for my brothers and me since my great-grandmother was partially incapacitated; she would help as much as she could. I lovingly remember her waiting for us to come back from the river each night and having a warm cloth to rub on my itchy back because the soap and water was so harsh on my skin.

The River Haina was our life source we did just about everything in it. We washed clothes, fished, swam, and even gave our farm animals water to drink. Once in this same river I almost drowned and Papá saved my life. It was midday and one of our housekeeper’s little boy, my brother and I, and Papá were swimming and playing in the river. As young children not paying attention, we played our way into deeper water and suddenly got caught in a current and began to drown. Papá did not see us because he was facing the other way. We tried to call out to him, but kept sinking further. Thankfully, my brother was able to swim out of the current and yelled to Papá that we were drowning. Papá turned around and rushed to where we were. He scooped us out of the water and carried us home to safety. Papá loved my brothers and me so much! I know his heart was broken the day we left to go live in America. He was such a great man!

Another great Man entered my life several years ago. I found myself drowning again, but this time it was not in water but in sin. He came into my life and scooped me out of my dire circumstances. I did not know Him, but He was there waiting for me, calling out to me, venga uno. I am so glad I walked toward Christ and allowed Him to cleanse me from head to toe like my Papá used to lather and wash me. Christ has now become my new Papá. Always there to love, comfort, provide and care for me. As we draw closer to the Christmas season, why not allow Christ to be the Great Man in your life. He is there beckoning to you, venga uno.



One Comment

  1. Sis. Pruitte

    Preach on mother!!!

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