1st Lady’s Blog – Blessed Among Women

Kissing the face of God was a privilege afforded to one young woman. Can you imagine waking up every morning to see the face of God staring back at you? At the same time, what an awesome responsibility was placed on the shoulders of this same young woman.Blessed Among Women

As mothers caring for young children, we are often concerned with their safety. How much more concerned must Mary have been, knowing that her baby was not an ordinary baby, but the son of God? She must have had many sleepless nights, worried that He might fall and hurt himself. As He grew older and she had to watch others be the center of His attention, she must have longed for the days when she was able to hold Him. Watching Him lose His life at His prime had to be heart-wrenching for her.

When Mary was approached with this task she readily accepted. Rather than think of all the things that could go wrong, she considered herself blessed among women to have been chosen. Because of her acceptance, she has been immortalized to this day. Many songs have been written about her and young girls are named after her. There are paintings and statutes made in her honor.

How blessed are we today among women to be counted in the number of those who are considered the sisters of Christ. Thanks to His great sacrifice, we are also God’s children whom He cares for and concerns Himself with. We as women are given the awesome task of caring for our families. We raise and nurture our children, and sometimes grandchildren, siblings, nieces and nephews, just as Mary had to do for Jesus. We will never know who that child we nurture today will help one day in the future. Although we may never have a statue erected in our honor, we have the benefit of knowing that we played a part in nurturing someone. We too will share in the opportunity of one day staring up at the face of God for eternity. We are blessed among women.