45th Annual Great Northern District Meeting Recap

During the week of April 16-20 Holiness Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ represented in due form at the 45th Annual Great Northern District Meeting, held at Yeshua Church Of God In Christ. Once a year all the churches in the Great Northern District gather together for a week of continuous prayer, praise and preaching. This year was no different! On Tuesday night our pastor, Assistant Superintendent Eddie B. Pruitte, Jr. brought the Word before the meeting floor.

Pastor Pruitte spoke from Luke 8: 22-25, “Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth…”  (v.22). Pastor Pruitte expounded upon two great points coming from this text. First, the Bible never explains why Jesus wanted his disciples to cross over Lake Tiberias and second, the disciples obeyed. Sometimes God wants us to move our feet. He does not always tell us why and that can be bothersome. However, it should be our practice to obey His leading because He has written every detail of our days before we’ve even lived them (Ps. 139).

Though we want to and do obey, we sometimes find ourselves as the disciples were, in a mess of danger following such obedience (v. 23). Yet Pastor Pruitte pointed out that this mess of danger (the storm) gave Jesus a chance to reveal more of Himself to His disciples – His power over the wind and rain – and that grew their faith just in time for the works on the other side of the lake (v.24-25). It is within our obstacles and trials that we see who God is and what He can do. We hope to obey Him because while we are in the midst of crossing over, we give Him the chance to show off His majesty and give ourselves the chance to grow in faith.

After Pastor finished giving the Word, the house praised the Lord together, as church leaders prayed with those who came forward seeking support. Many left encouraged!