They That Wait… – June 2K12 WTLB

By S. Danielle Benjamin

You know that amazing feeling you get when you finally have something you’ve been waiting a long time to receive? Maybe it was a new outfit when you reached your summer weight loss goal. Or perhaps it was a promotion after the successes you had on the firm’s last major project. I recently experienced this wonderful joy on 18 May when I walked across the stage at Georgetown University to receive my Masters in Public Relations and Corporate Communications. Going back to school was something I’d purposed in my mind to do years ago, and the thrill of seeing that dream come to fruition was even better than what I’d imagined.

But even more amazing than waiting for the temporal things we can accomplish or receive, is eagerly anticipating the spiritual gifts and blessings that God has in store for each of us. Some of those gifts are more general and available to every believer. Like the confidence in knowing that all things will work together for the good if we love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Or the promise that He will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:3). But some of these gifts are unique to you. They involve the dreams and plans that He has specifically and very intentionally birthed in you – the things that only you can accomplish and achieve!     

But you know what they sometimes forget to remind us? Waiting isn’t always easy. Trust me, I know. It especially wasn’t easy the nights I was up until 1:00 a.m. writing papers, only to get up a few hours later for work. And waiting for spiritual gifts is no easier. When I was waiting and sanctifying myself to receive the full baptism of the Holy Ghost, I grew discouraged and disappointed at times – especially when it seemed everyone else had been filled except me! Thankfully, God left another gift for me to hold onto in His Word, reminding me that He would renew my strength if I waited on His timing (Isaiah 40:31). So I didn’t lose hope. I continued to seek after the more of God and eventually, I received His precious gift.

Is there something you’ve been waiting on God to do in your life? Something that seems bigger than yourself and definitely not something you could do in your own strength? Why not obey His Word and literally write the vision that He has given you so that you can plainly read it and remind yourself of it every day. That vision is for a special time and purpose in your life and it will come to pass – even though it may seem like you’ve been waiting a long time (Habakkuk 2:2-3).

And let me tell you, when what God has in store for you finally arrives, it will be exceeding, abundantly above all you could have hoped for (Ephesians 3:20). And you know that amazing feeling you get when you finally have something you’ve been waiting a long time to receive? Believe me – this new feeling won’t even compare!