The Gold Digger – July 2K12 WTLB

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

John 14:13-14

Gold DiggerHave you ever met someone who was always asking you for things?  Maybe it was a relative who lived a few states away who always called to ask you to borrow a “few dollars”. Or perhaps it was a co-worker who only spoke to you at work when they needed a favor, or a classmate who never seemed to have their materials prepared, and wanted to use yours.

Do you recall that exasperated, irritating feeling that swelled in your chest and burned in your gut as you racked your brain, trying to decide whether or not you should extend that loan, perform that favor, or share those notes for the umpteenth time? If you relented, you knew it would only be a matter of time before the person returned to ask for your services again. If you refused, you would be accused of being un-Christian, disloyal, or even selfish.

The world has a term for people who constantly have their hands out asking for things, and giving little in return; the gold digger. But did you know that God has a term for people who display these same characteristics? He calls them His people.

How often do we as Christians pray to God when we need something? Whether it’s a financial blessing, help in the time of trouble, companionship when we are lonely, comfort when we are scared, clarity when we are confused…we bring it to God. And the wonderful thing about God is that He never turns His own away. How would it make you feel to know that God looks forward to hearing from you, no matter what it is you bring to Him? What if He told you in His word that you could ask Him anything at all, day or night, and He would not only be delighted to hear from you, but He would have the solution to your problem before you even brought it to Him? But that is the loving nature of the God we serve. Jesus made it clear that if we ask anything in His name, He will do it. He will willingly provide that help, that blessing, that clarity, peace, comfort, and companionship. Just as the “gold digger” in your life sees you as a dependable resource, so should we look to our heavenly Father as the giver of all good things.

And whatever you do, don’t stop asking.

~Delia Pruitte