Second Mouse – August 2K12 WOTM

Have you ever been the first one to do something and the outcome was not so pleasant? Or maybe found yourself dealing with a new teacher and wished one of her previous students had clued you in? While researching for this Word of the Month, I came across an article entitled, “The Second Mouse” by J. Davy Crockett, III.  It encouraged me and I wanted to share it with you.

2nd MouseThe well-known cliché’ “The early bird gets the worm” is often followed by another time- worm truism, the second mouse gets the cheese.” While we chuckle at these mental word pictures, they do contain a great truth that applies to everyone.

Physically speaking, we know that promptness and diligence pay off, over time, with increased productivity and with opportunities that the less diligent or lazy person misses out on.  We also know, though the second mouse may not grasp it, that timing is very important.  Avoiding unnecessary risk lets us enjoy the cheese after the danger has passed — rather than being in the position of the first mouse, who tripped the trap.

Do the mice provide lessons for us as human being?  We may not be after the morsel of cheese, but the principle is the same.  Avoid careless risks that may bring dire consequences.  Also, be ever vigilant for opportunities that others may overlook.  The writer of the book of Proverbs covered these subjects extensively for our attention.  For example, a prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished (Proverb 22:3).  The wisdom in this book is very plain.  Further, we read: “He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, but he who is careless of his ways will die” (Proverbs 19:16).

We should always be alert so that bad decisions do not entrap us and so we do not face dire consequences from hasty actions that we did not consider carefully enough.  A moment’s carelessness can cause a lifetime of grief.  The importance of keeping our eyes open — being aware of what is going on — is a familiar theme throughout the Bible.  Consider: Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.  Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established (Proverbs 4:25-26).  Coaches in any sports will constantly tell their players, keep your head in the game.  This admonition, echoed often in Scripture, calling us to a mindset of acute awareness, is certainly important in the game of life as well.

Ancient King Solomon also wrote a famous and eloquent passage about timing, revealing the importance of remaining in harmony not only with the season, a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  Solomon goes on in this passage to give examples of real-life issues affected by timing.  A time to weep and a time to laugh…a time to speak (vv. 4, 6-7) we can see that Solomon, in giving that timeless advice had a profound understanding of the importance of time and timing.  As  physical human beings, you and I have been allotted by our Creator a span of time in which to gain experience and build in our lives God’s eternal phase of great plan, as revealed by the annual Holy Days as we cycle through them each year.

Satan is busy setting “mouse traps” to catch an unsuspecting populace as he attempts to thwart God’s plan.  What will you do to avoid those traps?  Or will you be alert and diligent, so that you—like the second mouse will obtain the reward a loving God offer to all those human beings who will accept and obey Him?

I was truly encouraged by this article. It reminded me of how some people can be in the work force. Many times there is a job that you are promised, but someone else gets the position. Not because they earned it, but because they did everything in their power to get it, from cheating to working out deals. As time goes on you watch the job and see the inevitable traps in the position. They never truly get to the rewards of the position, the cheese. They are the model "first mouse". The position was created for you and if God ordained it for you, it will always come to you. Unbeknownst to the person, they give you the upper hand when you move into this position. You have seen all the traps and snares that caught them up and caused them to fail. You are the second mouse and you gain the great successes of the position because the traps have already been snapped and you are off to the races.

I hope you enjoyed this piece and take this away: we can be second mice and not fall to the same traps as those that came before us. Paying attention and listening to godly wisdom will take us far. Satan may be busy setting up traps and snares, but our God will deliver us from them all if we rely on Him wholeheartedly. My brothers and sisters be encouraged to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

~Elder George Green