1st Lady’s Blog – A Story In My Eyes

In this society, where using the name of Jesus seems to be taboo, Christians can still make an impact; such as in the case of my eye doctor. A couple of years ago I had a lovely experience when I went for an eye exam. I encountered an ophthalmologist who made me see how we can really share Christ in any occupation; it just takes a little creativity.

A Story In My EyesThe doctor had me come into his office and take a seat while he examined my eyes. He handed me what I thought to be a small book and asked me to read the highlighted passage. To my surprise, the small book turned out to be a Bible and he was asking me to read a scripture in Psalms, if I recall correctly. I had to smile as I chuckled within myself. What an interesting way to share your faith! Who could complain? Here was a person determined not to let society dictate to him whether he can share his faith with others as Jesus has commanded us to do.

But it didn’t end there. As he looked in my eyes, he was able to read a story behind them. He told me that I had high cholesterol; little did he know that I was on medication for it. I asked my doctor how he knew of my condition and he told me he could see it in my eyes. He proceeded to tell me other things about myself that left me with my mouth hanging open. How is it that this man knows so much about me? I thought to myself. It was as if he held up a mirror to my soul and saw who I really was.

This must be what God sees when he looks at us. He does not see our outside, but looks straight into our souls and sees every good or bad thing about us. While my eye doctor could give me a limited view of what he saw in me, God is able to see everything about me. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. It makes me wonder what God sees when He looks into our eyes. He must see the life we have lived and the life we could be living if we look to Him. What story are your eyes telling?