By Deloris Pruitte
I honestly don’t know when I started playing drums, but I do know how I learned to play. I definitely wasn’t an overnight expert. I’m still not an expert. After playing around on the drums for a while, I started to like it. However, I was very anxious and nervous about playing. Once I started playing, I noticed people staring at me. And with me being very self-conscious about almost everything, I wouldn’t hit any symbols even though people kept telling me to do so. I was afraid that I would get off beat and the staring might become even worse.
After a lot of crying and beating myself up about not playing as well as other drummers, my sister wrote me a note telling me that I needed to suck it up and play. In her opinion, a woman playing the drums will not get as much recognition unless she plays twice as well as the male musicians.
A couple of weeks later, my sister told John, Eryck, and I that we were going to the state choir rehearsal. As I sat in the pulpit, along with John, Eryck, and two of Bishop Thomas’ sons, Brother Rueben asked me to play for Bishop Thomas’ church. I said, “I don’t think so”, but he said “Yes, you’re going to play tonight.’’ Finally, I agreed and started to practice. Once again I became nervous when all of the others drummers started to watch me. I was so nervous that I said to my sister, “I can’t do this Delia! Please go get John, so he can play tonight.”
Being the encourager and protector that she is, she took me aside, where I burst in to tears out of embarrassment. I was very scared and didn’t want to play. Then a young man offered to help me practice and I was grateful for that, but there was too much going on in my head at that moment. I needed to get my mind off of it. So when we all went to the hotel and got something to eat I tried my best to do just that. And all was well…until I got to church that night. Anxiety overtook me again and tears started to flow. Inside I said, “Suck it up, suck it up and get it over with.” After the song was over I quickly hopped off that seat and let Mark Thomas, Jr. get back on the drums. Even though I think I will never do that again, I still thank God for giving me that opportunity.
You played EXCELLENTLY that night at Bishop Thomas’ church! We were all very proud of you guys.
I pray that God continues to give you confidence to play for Him and be a role model for young female musicians everywhere
As a female drummer, I commend you for playing, and I am certain you played better than you thought you would! Have not played for a while, and you have inspired me to do so again. Thank you!