1st Lady’s Blog – My Favorite Place

Books are scattered in the corner behind it. They are in a suitcase, a book-bag and inside crates all around. Some of them topple over and fall as I reach for them. My comfortable blue rocker is made of pinewood and the back and seat cushions have a pattern of blue with white flowers. It has a wide back with a generous seat which molds to cradle my body as I sit. Even after many years of wear, its cushion springs back every time I stand. It does not match any other piece of furniture in the room, but I can’t bear to part with it. I have even contemplated reupholstering it, but it just would not be the same.  The rocking motion sooths and comforts me as I read my Bible and various other pieces of literature. It is also the place where I can watch television in my pajamas, wrapped in a plush blanket. It seems to subconsciously know what mood I am in; urging me to rock faster when I am agitated and very slowly and methodically when I am just tired. It is the place where I sleep upright when my sinuses attack. It is the favorite place to be around when my family gathers in the den to talk or just watch a movie. I kick them all off because it belongs to me. It is my comfortable blue rocker, my favorite place to be.

My blue rocker was a gift from my husband when I gave birth to our youngest daughter thirteen years ago. It is worn with age, some of the seams have given way and there are several stains on it… but I still love it. I would rock my daughter to sleep in it and now it is the place where I rock my granddaughter to soothe her when she needs to be comforted.  It has become our favorite place to be.

My Secret PlaceThe Bible talks about dwelling in the secret place (Psalm 91:1). It is therapeutic to have a place where you can retreat when the cares of the day are weighing you down. Mary understood this place, but unfortunately Martha did not. Mary sat silently at the feet of Jesus and allowed Him to minister to her. Martha on the other hand, went about with the cumbersome task of preparing a meal for Jesus and His companions, not realizing that Mary was the one who received the true feast by sitting at the feet of Jesus. Mary understood she would not always have that opportunity. She was able to block out the distractions and get into that special place where she could commune with God. I can imagine it was likely her favorite place to be.

Having a place where you find solace is not always easy. My blue rocker is that kind of place for me. Many days I have shut the door and sat down in it and rocked and prayed until the Lord met me in that secret place, allowing the Spirit of the Lord to wash over me and comfort me. I would encourage anyone to find a place where they can be quiet before the Lord and allow Him to minister to you. My blue rocker is that place for me: it’s my favorite place to be.