A Walk Worthwhile – October 2K12 WTLB

By Sister Yolinda McCown

Walking With God“Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness. ” Colossians 1:10-11

Just the other day I was taking a walk through my neighborhood. It was a beautiful day; around 75 degrees outside with birds flying overhead and squirrels darting across the grass and street. There really was nothing extraordinary about this walk. I didn’t even have one of those long soul stirring talks with the Lord, during this walk. It was just a walk. I was out for about an hour and was a bit thirsty when I got back home.

I went through the rest of my busy day as usual, but there seemed to be something a little different about me, my attitude, my energy. I couldn’t put my finger on it; I couldn’t quite figure it out. Normally, at the close of the day, I evaluate my productivity for the day and then create my to-do list for the next day. As I began to evaluate the day, I noticed that I had a very productive day. Then as it began to sink into my mind, I realized I wasn’t as exhausted like I was just the day before. So I definitely had to figure out why. What had I done this day that was different from the day before? Aw-ha! I had taken a walk. There really was nothing so profound about this walk, but it was a walk worthwhile.

It’s funny how we go through this Christian walk of life, just walking aimlessly. When I say “aimlessly” I am talking about us thinking that coming out to the church on Sundays, Tuesdays, fellowships, Saturday fundraisers, and church engagements make us productive Christians. Honestly, it’s tiresome. But, when you add all of that to a nice walk with the Lord: reading your bible, praying, fasting, serving, and witnessing then you receive a source of unexplainable energy to keep going. It’s a walk worthwhile.

I encourage you to walk worthy!