High School – October 2K13 Youthful Expression

 Gar-Field CheerHigh School is a place of opportunity. There are so many exciting things to do and get involved with in high school. Everyone always has such positive things to say about their time in high school. Every teenager looks forward to high school and experiencing all the fun things you can do. You can go to high school football and basketball games, you can go to Homecoming with all your friends, you can participate in Spirit week, and you get to go to the Prom, which is a very exciting part about high school when you’re a senior!  The most important thing about your high school experience is Graduation. The special day when you get to wear your cap and gown, and all eyes are on you. That day is when you look back on not just the four years you were in high school but also the three years of middle school, and the five years of elementary school, and kindergarten and pre-school. Graduation day is when you think about all the things you did to get to this point, and all the struggles you had to face. You think about all the friends you have gained and lost along the way and all the people who helped you get to this point. I’m at that point right now. As graduation day approaches all these thoughts are running through my mind.

High school has been a very fun experience for me. I’ve met so many people, and experienced so much. One fun thing I’ve been able to participate in is cheerleading, where I am the Varsity captain. I’ve literally been to every football and basketball game these past four years of high school. I’ve been to homecoming all four years, and participated in spirit week, which is so much fun. Along the way, with all these fun things, I’ve also received an education. High school just isn’t about fun and games, it is hard work too. I am currently striving for an Advanced Diploma, I have a 3.4 GPA, and I am in the IB Program at my school. I am still learning how to be the best I can be in school. In high school you have to be on top and persistent when it comes to school work, projects, test and quizzes. You need to try to strive for that “A+” instead of that “C”. Study for everything, even the easy things. Most importantly you need to learn early on how to manage your time. Everyone in high school has a different agenda than yours, so you have to work with the time that you are given.

The most important thing in my life – the thing that I know I wouldn’t have gotten through high school without – was my faith. Because we go to church and have access to God Himself and people who can help pray us through situations, we need to take advantage of that. You need to pray every day: before you go to school, when you take a test or quiz, and anything else you do involving school. Having a strong and steady relationship with God will give you the upper hand and guide you through certain situations. I know that without knowing Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, I wouldn’t have made it through four years of high school. And I am so excited to see where God is going to take me in this last year of high school and in the next chapter of my life. College!

-Dymond Starr