1st Lady’s Blog – Pieces of the Puzzle

One of the things I used to love to do in my former years was jigsaw puzzles. Putting them together was very relaxing to me. I would lay out the puzzles on a table and always begin with the end pieces which were easily recognizable because of their flat edges. I would work on it day by day until the puzzle was complete. Then I would sit back and admire the beautiful picture the puzzle created. Something that would frustrate me when putting the puzzle together, however, was when I had almost completed it – only to discover that there were a few crucial pieces missing. This destroyed the beautiful image and made me feel that all my hard work was for naught.


Pieces of the PuzzleThe other day someone asked me to explain who God was and it left me puzzled for a minute. I explained to them that God cannot be described in one sentence. There are so many facets to God that our finite minds cannot possibly comprehend His totality. I had to think for a minute. Suddenly, an image formed in my mind which gave me a way to explain God to this person.

Understanding God is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. When we obtain salvation, God gives us those foundational corner pieces. As we go through experiences with Him, He adds more pieces to the puzzles. For example, when you hear that life changing message, it’s another piece. Or when you hear a testimony of a powerful healing, you add another piece because it was a part of God you did not know before. When you’re in Bible study and receive a new revelation, you just received another piece. Now you are building the puzzle and are beginning to get a glimpse of the image it will create.

You don’t only get to know God through your personal relationship with Him, but also through the testimony of others. When others share their experiences, you obtain another part of God. These all join together to form pieces of this great puzzle you are putting together. You will spend your entire life putting it together and you will not receive the final crucial pieces until you get to Heaven and Jesus presents you with the final pieces. Only then will the picture be complete and you’ll be able to understand God in His entirety because your mind will be opened to understand and your new spiritual body will be able to see God as He truly is. Your puzzle will be finished and you’ll be able to admire the beautiful picture of God.