Hallowed One’s Day 2012 Recap

In the wake of super storm Sandy, the East Coast of the United States was in recovery mode. From North Carolina to New York, the media reported an overwhelming amount of loss. However, if there is one thing that tragedy and obstacles teach us, it is the power of the human spirit, and the resilience within us all. Nowhere do we see this better depicted than in youthful joy of children!

So three weeks ago, with gray skies still looming overhead and cold winds swirling all around, the children of Holiness Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ came together to celebrate the church's annual Hallowed One's Day festival.

“As Christians we don’t advocate the Halloween theme, with the witches and things like that, but as a child, who doesn’t like free candy and having fun? It’s a safe alternative in comparison to knocking on doors”, explained Pastor Pruitte in a recent television interview.

With all the high-pitched laughter radiating across the church grounds on that night, it’s obvious that this year’s celebration was just as Pastor Pruitte described it: fun!

As the sizzling smell of hamburgers and hotdogs invaded the background air, the face-painted smiles of children were seen darting across the parking lot. For three hours, the pitter patter of feet and cries of excitement warmed the chilly night air. Basketball was played, music was heard, and candy was eaten! Sisters Vanessa Alexander and Mary King manned the popcorn machine, joyously providing participants with a delicious American favorite.

With gooey popcorn butter still dripping across little fingers, the children even joined in with the adults for the annual Cake Walk. “Call my number, call my number!” participants screamed in hopes of acquiring one of the many confectionary delights up for grabs. There was a fierce and fun battle for both Brother Jay Norman’s strawberry cakes and Sister Lisa Cook’s succulent lemon cake.

However, thanks to the generosity of the Holiness Tabernacle membership, there were more than enough desserts to go around.

“I want the chocolate chip cookies!” said Jeremiah Paxton with a smile when his number was called.

As the night began to wind down, the festiveenergy did not. The children played well into the night, tiring out many of the adults.

When reminiscing about the night’s event, one member commented, “After a long day at work I almost didn’t come, but I honestly had a really good time and even won a cake!”

And with that, it is safe to say that though Hallowed One’s Day 2012 is over, the memories are not.