1st Lady’s Blog – Christmas


ChristmasChristmas tree; artificial or natural is one the many decisions I have to make during this season.

How many ornaments are too many?

Running around from store to store to purchase gifts

Investigating who has the best prices.

Same thing every year.

Trying to come up with something different can be quite tedious

My family is no help; they have their own concerns

And only stop to ask if I need help with anything as they rush out the door.

Suddenly, I realize that the thrill has gone out of Christmas


Is this how your joyous season goes? It seems that since my girls began their adult lives, the fun has gone out of Christmas. No longer do we look forward to seeing their tiny faces light up when they receive that doll or toy they’ve been wanting all year. Instead we get a, “thanks for the gift card mom and dad.” Ah, if only we could go back to those days.

Sometimes I wish Christmas was a week-long celebration instead of just a day. We spend so much time preparing for it… and then it’s gone! If the excitement of the day could be extended, maybe it would feel like Christmas received its due justice.

But why do we get drawn into the commercialism of Christmas when it only leaves us disappointed and disillusioned? Don’t misunderstand me, I love Christmas and I get excited when that time of the year rolls around. But it seems that after the presents are opened and the meal is eaten, there is a huge let down; a deflation of sorts. Right after Christmas, I just want to take down all the decorations and I begin to long for summertime.

But even as I reflect with mixed emotions, I realize that I have much to be thankful for this holiday season. This year we have grandchildren and I told my husband the other day that Christmas will be fun again because of them! We can actually buy toys and not just electronics and gift cards. The innocence and excitement of Christmas will return and we will again get to see tiny faces light up.

Ultimately, I think the best approach is for me to remember who instead of what we are celebrating. If I keep in mind the reason for the celebration, I will not set myself up for disappointment. So let’s maintain our focus and enjoy Christmas this year. It really is the most wonderful time of the year! 


  1. sareatha majors


  2. Paula Rockett

    Well said!

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