On Wednesday January 9th 2013, Holiness Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ had the distinct honor of playing host church for the first official visit to the Great Northern District, by Jurisdictional Prelate Bishop Ted Thomas, Sr.
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Although Bishop Thomas visits the Great Northern District throughout the year, this visit was especially exciting because it marked both his first official visit of the new year and Bishop Thomas’ first official visit as a newly elected General Board Member of the Church Of God In Christ! As anticipated, the church was filled beyond seating capacity. Many local pastors, along with their congregations, poured into Holiness Tabernacle in support of Bishop Thomas.
Minister Andre Powell opened the service in prayer and Pastor Andie Cork (Mt. Peniel COGIC) officiated the service. As we awaited Bishop Thomas’ arrival, members of the District Praise Team sung glory unto the Lord’s name. Melodiously repeating “We lift Your name on high,” the praise team sung the entire room happy, until practically everyone in attendance was on their feet. Children sang, adults worshipped and smiles of excitement filled the room. The more the congregation sang, the more the congregation wanted to sing! The praise within the room was like a bottomless fountain of worship, with every mouth pouring out streams of adoration unto a great and awesome Savior.
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After this, Pastor Cork began to move the service along so that we could get to the heart of the service – the sermon. Before Bishop Thomas took the floor, we were graced with words of wisdom from his lovely wife, Elect Lady of the Historic First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia, Mother Charletta Thomas. “I have SO much to thank the Lord for…” Mother Thomas began, as she testified of God’s providential goodness and constant provision throughout her life.
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Following offering, announcements and other business matters, it was time for Bishop Thomas to take the floor. Pastor William Cornick (Body of Believers COGIC) introduced Bishop Thomas right before the district choir sang a moving rendition of “How Excellent.” Before beginning his sermon, Bishop Thomas took time to publically acknowledge both Pastor Eddie B Pruitte, Jr. and members of Holiness Tabernacle for their hard work within the jurisdiction.
Bishop Thomas’ sermon focused on “God’s work though events and circumstances.” Using the account of the prophet Elisha and the widow’s vessels of oil, Bishop Thomas explained that God’s people must participate in God’s miracles, when instructed to do so. “The widow had to go out and get those empty vessels,” he reminded the audience.
As service wound down, hugs were exchanged and handshakes shared while the Holiness Tabernacle Hospitality Department served food to all in attendance. It was a delightful way for the men and women of the Great Northern District to wrap up a night of fellowship.